My wife is doing Ironman CDA with me as well, and she’s light - (5’6, 120 lbs). She has a hard time riding in the wind. She gets blown around a bit, and we were wondering what drills she could do to help with riding in the wind. Also, techniques/tips for riding in the wind would be appreciated. Ironman CDA is supposed to be very windy.
…Ironman CDA is our family reunion for masochists…4 of us from the same family are doing it.
What she has to do is optimize her aero position on the bike. It has to be comfortable but as aero as possible. If she is using tri-spoke or deep dish wheels she should replace them with something aero but with a small dish.
There is something unusual going on. My wife is even a bit smaller but she has no more problem than anyone else with wind. She rides a P2K with either Rolf Vector Comps or Hed 60/Deep front/rear or her Giant OCR ride bike with Jammer GT bars. Maybe your wife’s bike position is too far forward or something? I’m just guessing but you might want to check it out.
CDA is probably going to be a bit windy but they have reversed part of the course which should make the wind less of a factor. I believe that most of really windy bits should be a tailwind for the most part.
Is her top tube too long? Reach too long? It sounds like she doesn’t have adequate weight over the front wheel. Is her frame too big? Interesting. Sometimes the wind just kicks you around. The more you ride in it the more you get used to it. It’s important to remember to not back off in gusty winds, it usually makes you less stable if you back off. Also, the wind, although turbulent, may be helping you. Best thing to do is hold on tight and pedal harder. Oh, and make sure your bike fits too.