When I used to travel a lot for work I posted an ad around my neighborhood looking for a dog walker/sitter and found a college student who loved to run. I paid her $10 a day to run/feed them when I was gone. When I wasn’t traveling sometimes I’d come home to a note saying she took them for a run. I was bummed I didn’t get to run them that day. She said she’d be out for a run and just hear them going crazy in the back yard as she ran by the house. I guess they could smell her and they associated her with going for a run. She just couldn’t ignore them. I used to have to speed home from work to get to run my dogs! Actually I normally saw her at some point on the run and she’d hand them off to me if they were just starting their run or I’d run with her a ways.
I really love running with my boy. I gotta admit I definitely let the type A go-It’s his run so if he needs to stop or sniff, we stop, we sniff. Still seems like a good gig.
Course Goose needs a good hours. Those folks pups are putzes.