Get out the mouthwash - It will help you race faster

I have a local buddy that has told me (for years) that he always runs or bikes with mouthwash in his mouth. I guess he is onto something according to this article.

I have a local buddy that has told me (for years) that he always runs or bikes with mouthwash in his mouth. I guess he is onto something according to this article.

“Rectal temperatures rose by 1.7°C during exercise with the same time course in both conditions,”

That test would have likely hurt considering they were cycling. :wink:

I’m not sure if I could run with mouthwash in my mouth.

I suppose the question is… why not just buy menthol HALLS?

Mmmmm. Menthol energy drink.

Thats how they do most studies, its the most reliable temp measurement.

I’m not sure if I could run with mouthwash in my mouth.

I suppose the question is… why not just buy menthol HALLS?

Didn’t your mother ever teach you not to run with candy in your mouth?! :wink:

I’m not sure if I could run with mouthwash in my mouth.

I suppose the question is… why not just buy menthol HALLS?

Didn’t your mother ever teach you not to run with candy in your mouth?! :wink:


What if I just keep a pack of KOOLS and a lighter in special needs?

Hey, it worked for the Great Eddie M.

cycled to exhaustion at 65% of aerobic capacity, um, is that an oxymoron of some sort???

Screw the mouthwash…just gargle some Biofreeze. Once done rub it on your body for the “cooling” sensation.