FYI - Today is Dan's (Slowman) Birthday!


Well, if that’s true, HAPPY BIRTHDAY Dan !!!

How young are you ?

Hey, happy birthday to you Dan. Having visted Xantusia I would imagine the celebration is fraught with dementia and bizarre rituals.


Have a great Birthday Dan!

Many well wishes!!!

Have slow one Dan! Happy Birthday ol fella!

Happy Birthday… to… You,
Happy Birthday… to… You.
Happy Biiiirrrrtttthhhhdddaaayyy Deaaaarrr Slow Man,
Happy Birthday…to…yooooooouuuu.

How… old… are… you?
Twenty-one or twenty-two?
You smell like a chipmunk,
And you…look…like…one…too!

-Birthdays happen once a year, gopherigure

Hey Dan!
A little Mouse in Kona told me to tell you Happy Birthday!
Hau’oli La Hanau! (Happy Birthday!)
Okole Maluna! (Bottoms Up!)

Happy B-Day Dan.


As a birthday treat to all of US (and our tri offspring), FROM you, maybe you should give US a gift and start procreating so you can pass on all your inventive genius for the next generation of trigeeks. I’d hate for the slowman influence on our sport to end.


have a great day.

Have a happy one, Dan! Coincidentally, it is also my bosses.