I know that full suits are faster than their sleeveless counterparts. However, the majority of my races are going to be during the midwest summer with water temps in the 70s. Is that too warm for a fullsuit (I’m also hot-blooded), therefore should I look into a sleeveless, or is a fullsuit going to be ok? TIA
Dude (or dudette), one word: Fullsuit. 80% of what we sell now are fullsuits. I own two fullsuits. The people who buy long johns or shorties usually do it to save $$$. Then usually blow it by buying a fullsuit later when they find out how much better (faster) it is. Do it right the first time: Get a full suit.
I agree with Tom. Most people buy longjohns because of cost, and they think that the added benefit will be the temp. If it is warm enough to be hot in a wetsuit, you will be hot no matter what you wear.
Agreed. I’m one of the idiots who bought a sleeveless Orca. It’s a great suit but I’m just not getting the buoyancy as the guy next to me.
Of course, if you live here in Queensland, Australia, you never get the luxury of wearing a suit at all thanks to the ITU rule change on water temp. Although, I can’t complain. It is a beautiful day here… Back to the question. Go full. Always go full. But make sure you can where it. I will only ever get to where mine in the middle of winter. And that is only just. Luckily I am a swimmer. Hate to be a runner!!!