In an earlier thread about the aerodynamics you mentioned that the new wolf fork will be only available in 700c(for now anyway) and that the ‘shorter CSC riders’ will use the fork off the Dual. I just find it interesting that the shorter guys will be riding 650c wheels when I thought almost all euro pros were about 700c wheels, what made them change their minds to using 650c(assuming for TT only?)Or is it common on the tour for short guys to use the smaller wheels? Anyone? Thanks
It is very uncommon for the euro pros to use 650c in general, and specifically in TTs. Most of the 650c bikes used over the years by the pros are climbing bikes (and even then we’re talking only a handful).
What made CSC change is quite simple, opportunity and insight. To put it bluntly, most companies supporting Euro pro teams are not time trial experts, don’t understand 650c wheels, don’t make 650c wheeled bikes (or they do because they are asked to, but they don’t know why). So these companies are not going to offer a team to supply some 650c frames. And most teams have wheel sponsors that don’t make 650c wheels, or at least not the right type of 650c wheels.
Last year, some of the CSC riders time trialed on road bikes because they couldn’t fit on the smallest available TT bike. For this year I explained how these guys could fit perfectly on one of our 650c bikes and I was able to take away their reluctance to try 650c. Aside from the usual concerns of gearing, etc, it was funny that they said they didn’t have 650c wheels for the bikes. But Zipp is a supplier for the team now, so it was easily explained that this was no longer an issue.
So there you have it.