Looks like my floor pump is on it’s death bed. Any suggestions for a durable high output floor pump. One of my bikes has Conti Sprint tubulars that are rated at 170 psi, so I’m after something that has a decent output. Thanks in advance.
old school silca…you can rebuild it instead of replacing it.
I love my Silca SL - best pump ever -
Just say no to plastic pumps…I do enjoy rebuilding it every few years…new leather washers and gaskets.
I just got new rubber gasket and leather washer. My question is do I need to coat the leather washer in grease before install? thanks ted
About 6 weeks ago this very topic came up and everyone raved about Silca pumps. I needed one, I bought one (at excelsports.com), and I love it. It’s solid, works very well, and looks so sweet my wife lets me keep it in the living room.
I bought a Silica and it was defective out of the box. I am sure I will get it fixed one of these days. This is not an intended rap on Silca. No manufacturer is perfect.
On the other hand I have been real happy with my Blackburn TP-5. Yeah, it weighs about 80 pounds (well maybe 15), but it works great. It has one of those double heads. I got the washers to make both sides work with the road bike fitting. I have my Silca crack pipe adapter for my disc wheel in one side and the other is normal. One pump solves all problems on race day. It has a button you push to get more leverage on the pump. Blowing up my disc wheel is a snap with this pump.
I’ll put a vote in for the Topeak Joe Blow Pro. Very happy with this pump so far.
Love the Joe Blow! Unfortunately I left mine on the other side of the country.
You just can’t beat a Silca… but my Zefal Husky (that I practically STOLE for $40 CAD way back in '94) is still going strong. The only thing I’ve ever done to that pump is replace the little rubber gaskets in the head once or twice - but any pump requires that every few years if you actually use it.
I was all set to buy a Pista or a Super-Pista… but the price on the Zefal was right, and I’ve never regretted the decision for a moment. Well - maybe when in the company of old Itallian dudes, sipping espresso and talking about how great Coppi was, I sort of hope they don’t see my trusty Zefal standing in the corner. I know should be proud of my French baby, who’s never let me down. But every once in a while I yearn for that sleek Itallian too. Maybe when my Husky turns 10 I’ll get a flashy new red Pista. I doubt it though…