Fit Critique Please!

Me: 6’2", 170lbs, Kiwami Spider trisuit, Rudy Boost helmet
Bike: 61cm Cervelo P2, TriRig everything, Cobb 55

Current fit was done by a local well respected fitter for Ironman distance but currently I’m only racing 70.3’s. Like everyone else I’m looking for free speed, any suggestions/observations on fit or gear much appreciated!

Looks like a pretty good “all day comfort” position for doing IMs (reasonably aero and you can stay tucked for all 112…I’m sure you’ve noticed how many folks are off the aero bars by mile 60-80). You could get lower and rotate more at the hips, but that’s a pretty major fit overhaul IMO (saddle position, pad stack and reach) vs. a simple tweak.

Thanks … guess I’m pretty well up for changing things significantly, esp with the focus on shorter races … good to know this is at least ‘decent’ for long distance though!

i’d roll your position around the bb.

saddle forward (or butt forward, depending on how you sit on your saddle), pads lower and extended (and put your elbows in the elbow pads).

could make a ~6.5/10 position an 8/10. then further optimization required.

Ha, love the x/10 rating! Seat is already pretty well slammed forward, can be seen in the first couple seconds of the video … can easily do the rest though. Thoughts on angling the saddle down slightly once the front end is lower to stop my bits getting so squished? I’d rate my flexibility as ‘probably quite bad’ fwiw.

Then I’d recommend finding a saddle that doesn’t touch your bits at all. A split nose would be a good choice. If you already have one it’s the wrong one in that case.