First 1/2 Ironman race

This is a tough question to ask and maybe worse to answer…

On my back I have three Olympic distance races, 13 Sprint Distances, one 1/2 Marathon…

Since last December I´m training for a 1/2 Iron race… I finished the base this week, I did maybe 5 to 6 90km rides during may base, maybe 10 times over 12 km running trainings ( two 16 km… ), bricks ( 40-50 km rides, 10 to 12 km running )…

My plan for this first race is just finished and the course is Hilly for both bike and running…

Do you guys think that what I did is enough ?



You should be fine. Sounds like you are ready to go, relax. Check out coach Gordo’s advice for pacing your first 1/2 Ironman. It worked well for me. Have fun.
