“Whaoaoh there Hoss. Pull your horses in. You’re taking this way too personal.”
i’m not taking it personally. i’m taking it seriously. or rather, i’m taking YOU seriously. i’m assuming you asked your question in seriousness, and i felt you deserved a serious answer. so that’s what i gave.
if you take your point to its logical conclusion–that there are other races, other distances, etc., to consider–then one could never win the day with you, because if i went down each and every race, race by race, i’d STILL never be able to make the point, because until we considered EVERY race and every result, i might’ve missed the one salient result for which i haven’t an explanation.
we live in a society where generalizations are frowned upon. they’re not politically correct. “poor people tend to lack initiative.” i’d get crucified if i stated that publicly, because there are SOME poor people who have PLENTY of initiative but are poor because of some unrelated reason. “pit bulls tend to be more dangerous than other breeds.” yes, but there are SOME pit bulls that are real sweethearts (and how dare i generalize).
yes, there are SOME pro athletes who can ride the bike at 74 degrees and do well. but they are the rare exception when you take a close look. certainly, when the strength of field is poorer, when the distance is shorter, when the course is hillier, those who wish to ride at 74 degrees will move up toward the podium. i choose hawaii because that’s really the race of truth when it comes to no-draft triathlon. if you’re macca you can win elsewhere, but when you’ve got some distance to ride and some bad-ass rivals to beat, we see how things work themselves out.
as for the run-off-the-bike thing, it’s been scientifically tested, and the tests have confirmed the anecdotal evidence. at some point, you’ve got to explain it away. if you can’t explain it, it seems to me you’ve got to accept it.
yes, i believe that steep is not for every one. but it is for just about every pro. very few ought not to ride steeply, and those are generally the ones with morphological isues.
now, let me add that if you mean for me to take what you write with whimsy, and not seriously, the i apologize and i’ll write whimsy back. but otherwise, i’ll do you the honor of an honest answer.