Experiences with Depo? (TMI alert)

I came in on my regularly scheduled appointment and found out. I was within the current recommendation at the time. FWIW, I think I have always had an incredibly fast metabolism and I build muscle mass very easily. In short, I look like a muscular guy with hips;) I have no idea if this is relevant or not, but it has always made me wonder if that was the reason depo didn’t work for me. I’m sure if I was in the regular forum I would get blasted for some sort of ridiculous backdoor brag here, but believe me when I tell you, this is not meant as a “brag” but as potentially helpful info. I have uncommon muscularity and vascularity for a woman, and I have always wondered if this is, in some way, connected to birth control being less effective for me. It was, of course, emotional for me to find out that I was pregnant. I did not continue that pregnancy for a host of reasons, not the least of which was I was concerned about the possible impact the depo could have had on the fetus.