I have TTT coming up this weekend which presents some interesting nutritional challenges. I have recently started taking the R4 (280 calories per serving) after long workouts and it seems to work with my stomach. Does anyone take this before an OLY or HIM as a way to get some liquid calories in before the start? It seems to have most of the same nutritional facts as an ensure or some of the other drinks?
I inadvertently filled my bike aero bottle with some for an OLY. BIG mistake - my stomach was killing me for the run. I think it would work fine if given time to digest prior to race start.
I used it before my last long race, since it’s a little ‘denser’ nutritionally than most regular drinks, and I figured it’d sit OK since the intensity level wasn’t going to be that high compared to a shorter event. If you compare the label closely with Accelerade (same manufacturer, but intended for during activity instead of afterwards) it appears to be exactly the same stuff, the only difference being if you follow the directions the Endurox mix ends up twice as concentrated. I just happened to have them in different flavors and preferred the Orange (Endurox) over the Lemon-Lime (Accel) so after that I just stuck with the Endurox for before/during and after and simply varied the dilution factor according to the distance/intensity.
I inadvertently filled my bike aero bottle with some for an OLY. BIG mistake - my stomach was killing me for the run. I think it would work fine if given time to digest prior to race start.
Yep… been there done that. Cramps through the whole 10K run it was brutal.
Stick with something lighter pre-race. I also love the Endurox for post-workout.