Tried googling and searching the forum - does anyone have information on how to fix this? I’ll be riding, look down and see that my Edge 500 has turned itself off. Very frustrating, especially on longer rides where it happens more than once.
It’s a TWN model. Garmin Support doesn’t want to fix this via the USB connection (so I sent an email).
This happened to me with a Garmin 800 but it was my fault. At a coffee stop I pressed stop and forgot to start it again once I started riding. It shut off after a few minutes.
There is a setting to automatically power off after a period of inactivity. Triathletes should make sure it is turned “off” so they can turn on their computer before the swim. But, this is likely not your problem if it shuts off when you are riding along.
You can update the firmware in your 500 through the Garmin website to make sure you have the latest version. This may or may not affect your problem.
I had this problem too once. The problem could be that the battery and the switch that connects to it might be shorting out. Did you happen to hit a bump or anything or were you on somewhat bumpy terrain when you were riding and noticed this? Mine did this, and it was remedied by having to get a new one because it was shorting. Although garmin is amazing and I know they’d do a damn good deal with you to get it fixed/replaced, especially if it’s under the 1 year warranty.
I had one that kept shutting itself off, then I noticed that it was happening only when it got jarred, when going over bumps, etc. Did a Google search and saw it was not an uncommon problem.
I contacted Garmin as it was under warranty and they sent me a new one. It did the same thing.
Contacted Garmin again…the third one is working fine.
Had this problem with a Garmin Edge 305. Turns out the battery connections sometimes get dislodged. Or your lithium ion battery could be on its last legs if you’ve had it for awhile. Traded the 305 in for a 500 and crossing my fingers.
I had a similar problem where mine would turn off and turn back on a min later. Chatted with Garmin and they said I could have a corrupt file in my history. Just plugged it in and deleted the files, hasn’t happened since.
All joking aside, and the “press Start” comment really was meant as a pink comment. It is always a good idea to delete your ride files on your Garmin 500 periodically. I try to not keep more than 8 to 10 rides on the Garmin at any time. You get too many rides an the thing slows down on uploads as well as starts acting glitching in other areas.
I’ve had this happen a few times as well, but did not have it happen for the last couple of months till yesterday. Almost 2 hours into a ride, then all of a sudden the unit has turned itself off. I usually have no previous rides, or just one other ride in the history on the device. I am using it with a power meter. After the unit is turned back on, the recorded file is corrupted and does not have all the data present. Mine is also Edge 500 TWN, software version 2.80. There is plenty of charge in the battery, so that does not seem to be the issue.
I found that even after I updated to software version 3.0, the Edge 500 still was not working properly. I called Garmin support and they had me do a hard reset on the device (this will erase any partial workout files and clean them up). After this, the device worked great for 2 weeks, although I did not try any rides longer than 2 hours. However, I then tried to Calibrate my power meter before an event, and found that the device had shut itself off, like the previous problems. During my ride the Average Lap power reading did not display, and the workout file was only a partial file again. I called Garmin back and they sent me a replacement unit.