Beat this: volunteered to set up the bike and run transitions for my sister’s race, “The Cowichan Challenge”, on Vancouver Island. Did a great job - put lots of thought into it…but was I paying attention? Next day, I get a bad case of Race Brain, and not only try to exit my bike OUT the run transition, but after transitioning off the bike I try to run back OUT the bike transition. I’ve heard about it at family get-togethers ever since.
What happens to YOUR brain when you are racing? Care to admit any dumb things you’ve done?
Love it! Did that in my first race but a kindly soul informed me before the race started.
Fine, I’ll admit another Dumb Thing…This wasn’t IN a triathlon, but I am known in my home town for being the ONLY triathlete let alone cyclist who replaced a shredded tire successfully with a new tire, placing it INSIDE OUT. I did two sprint races with very decent bike splits, then noticed there was “something wrong” with my tire - took it to the bike shop: complained that the tire was literally falling apart with these weird threads everywhere like I’d ridden through a forest of cottonwood trees. He has owned the shop for decades and swears he’s never ever heard of anyone successfully replacing let along racing on a tire inside out. Aren’t I talented?
I borrowed a non-swimming, poorly fitting, short sleeve, wet suit for my first Olympic… I was in the best swim shape of my life at the time and was expecting a really good swim. About 200 meters into the lake my shoulders were completley toasted from fighting the wet suit. 52 minutes later I finished the swim completley exhausted and my arms were so weak I could barely get the wetsuit off.
Lifetime MN in 2012, I believe. This was the first race I competed in that was not wetsuit legal. I was excited because I’d finally get to wear the new swim skin I had. Amazingly, I came out of the water in 2nd position in the Elite wave. With all the excitement coming through transition I simply forgot to take off my swim skin. Three misfortunes as a result of my great swim.
It was hot as sh*t. So I would now suffer in the MN summer heat.
If you’ve ever sat on a bike seat with a swim skin it’s essentially a velcro effect. This equaled torn up undercarriage!
About midway through bike I couldn’t take the tight skin and hotness. I attempted to peel it down to my waist while riding. I did manage to get it down, but in the process I tore my brand new skin that I was so excited to wear.
“Fat guy in a little swimskin” Live’n Learn…Always learning.
Elbaman. Transition is a bit a way from the swim. I got all sorted and put th bottom of my wet suit on. Walk to the swim start, finish to put the wetsuit on, and realise I had lost my hat and goggles. Panic, I run back to transition, can’t find anything in my bags, beg for a new hat and goggles, nothing. So I run back to swim start planning to swim without goggles. Minutes before the start I notice a bulk on my stomach: hat and goggle were carefully tucked in. I quickly undressed, retrieved my precious hat and goggles, suit up seconds before the start. It ended up being my PB swim, full of adrenaline
I was going hard in sprint race. I was passes on the run, twice. After getting passed the second time… I was so pissed at myself that I was now in 5th place and… I started walking.
Turns out, three people ahead of me were in a different age group, but they started us all in the same wave.
So, I was ACTUALLY in second place! By walking, I was no longer on the podium. Damn! Stupid.
Yesterday. I came into transition after the swim. Went right to my bike row and was literally 2 feet from my bike. But I couldn’t see it. I spent a good 45-60 seconds panicking looking for my stuff until I realized it was literally right in front of my nose. Good times.
I was going hard in sprint race. I was passes on the run, twice. After getting passed the second time… I was so pissed at myself that I was now in 5th place and… I started walking.
Turns out, three people ahead of me were in a different age group, but they started us all in the same wave.
So, I was ACTUALLY in second place! By walking, I was no longer on the podium. Damn! Stupid.
You thought that were in 5th place so you just gave up? Podium or who cares?