Dumbest Thing You've Done in a Triathlon

Beat this: volunteered to set up the bike and run transitions for my sister’s race, “The Cowichan Challenge”, on Vancouver Island. Did a great job - put lots of thought into it…but was I paying attention? Next day, I get a bad case of Race Brain, and not only try to exit my bike OUT the run transition, but after transitioning off the bike I try to run back OUT the bike transition. I’ve heard about it at family get-togethers ever since.

What happens to YOUR brain when you are racing? Care to admit any dumb things you’ve done?

Early in my triathlon career, I wore my wetsuit backwards for several races unit lI was informed that the zipper belonged in the back…

Love it! Did that in my first race but a kindly soul informed me before the race started.

Fine, I’ll admit another Dumb Thing…This wasn’t IN a triathlon, but I am known in my home town for being the ONLY triathlete let alone cyclist who replaced a shredded tire successfully with a new tire, placing it INSIDE OUT. I did two sprint races with very decent bike splits, then noticed there was “something wrong” with my tire - took it to the bike shop: complained that the tire was literally falling apart with these weird threads everywhere like I’d ridden through a forest of cottonwood trees. He has owned the shop for decades and swears he’s never ever heard of anyone successfully replacing let along racing on a tire inside out. Aren’t I talented?

Lol, my first discovery tri: Ran out of T2 with the helmet on my head.

Even the pros have issues…

The dumbest thing I ever did was Alcatraz w/o BodyGlide.
Not me, but essentially the same effect.

I wonder how long #50 rode before noticing her bike was backwards?
Hope your neck has recovered. Ouch!

didn’t velcro my chip tight enough in once race. The fishies recorded my splits.


“Doctor” Amanda Stevens.

train when I’ve been ill - like at the moment :frowning:

Lol, my first discovery tri: Ran out of T2 with the helmet on my head.

I tried to do this once. Got yelled at by the guy watching everyone leave T1.

But the dumbest thing I ever did was attempt to do a sprint tri when I was in terrible shape.

5 minutes into the swim I knew I was in trouble. Finished the race though. Awful, just awful.

Passed on the right around 3 TNT people blocking the whole road.

Attempted a flying mount for the first time in a race. Seemed like a good idea at the time.

I borrowed a non-swimming, poorly fitting, short sleeve, wet suit for my first Olympic… I was in the best swim shape of my life at the time and was expecting a really good swim. About 200 meters into the lake my shoulders were completley toasted from fighting the wet suit. 52 minutes later I finished the swim completley exhausted and my arms were so weak I could barely get the wetsuit off.

That seems to be a common mistake. Good you survived!

Lifetime MN in 2012, I believe. This was the first race I competed in that was not wetsuit legal. I was excited because I’d finally get to wear the new swim skin I had. Amazingly, I came out of the water in 2nd position in the Elite wave. With all the excitement coming through transition I simply forgot to take off my swim skin. Three misfortunes as a result of my great swim.

  1. It was hot as sh*t. So I would now suffer in the MN summer heat.
  2. If you’ve ever sat on a bike seat with a swim skin it’s essentially a velcro effect. This equaled torn up undercarriage!
  3. About midway through bike I couldn’t take the tight skin and hotness. I attempted to peel it down to my waist while riding. I did manage to get it down, but in the process I tore my brand new skin that I was so excited to wear.

“Fat guy in a little swimskin” Live’n Learn…Always learning.

Jake Rhyner

Elbaman. Transition is a bit a way from the swim. I got all sorted and put th bottom of my wet suit on. Walk to the swim start, finish to put the wetsuit on, and realise I had lost my hat and goggles. Panic, I run back to transition, can’t find anything in my bags, beg for a new hat and goggles, nothing. So I run back to swim start planning to swim without goggles. Minutes before the start I notice a bulk on my stomach: hat and goggle were carefully tucked in. I quickly undressed, retrieved my precious hat and goggles, suit up seconds before the start. It ended up being my PB swim, full of adrenaline :slight_smile:

I was going hard in sprint race. I was passes on the run, twice. After getting passed the second time… I was so pissed at myself that I was now in 5th place and… I started walking.

Turns out, three people ahead of me were in a different age group, but they started us all in the same wave.

So, I was ACTUALLY in second place! By walking, I was no longer on the podium. Damn! Stupid.

Yesterday. I came into transition after the swim. Went right to my bike row and was literally 2 feet from my bike. But I couldn’t see it. I spent a good 45-60 seconds panicking looking for my stuff until I realized it was literally right in front of my nose. Good times.


I was going hard in sprint race. I was passes on the run, twice. After getting passed the second time… I was so pissed at myself that I was now in 5th place and… I started walking.

Turns out, three people ahead of me were in a different age group, but they started us all in the same wave.

So, I was ACTUALLY in second place! By walking, I was no longer on the podium. Damn! Stupid.

You thought that were in 5th place so you just gave up? Podium or who cares?