Down with technology

We are all so obsessed with technology on our bikes. We have deep dish front wheels, disc rear wheels, flat tubing, super light frames and everything else designed to make us go faster. What is the result of all of this? People who spend more on their bikes get faster for any given amount of effort over people who don’t spend the money.

I propose that we all go back to standard 32 spoked wheels, round tubed frames and everything must be heavier than a set minimum weight.

Comfort and fit are some of the good things with technology, so I don’t want to eliminate carbon bikes if they feel better to some people, but they should be just as heavy as traditional bikes.

With technology restraints, we’ll all be competing on an even level and save a lot of money. If we’re all racing on an even level, the best triathlete should win.

Just a thought.


Are you from the UCI?

Welcome to the Hour Recod.

I personally love technology in bikes because it allows me to use my intelligence to beat people who are better than me… and if I can afford to pull together a fast bike then damn near anyone can.

So you’d voluntarily put Softride and Titan out of business? Very noble.

Hell, leather shoe straps and wooden wheels for everyone! Just please don’t make me run naked like they did in ancient Olympics. You wouldn’t like it :0

When I was in Jr. High, each of the children in my family were assigned different household responsibilities. I was responsible for the yards (cutting the grass, pulling weeds, watering plant beds, etc…) I hated it. One particularly hot Texas summer day, it occurred to me that the only reason that we spent so much time slogging it out in the yard is to keep up our outward appearances for the neighbors and others. So I figured, just like you, Adam, why don’t we just agree among ourselves that we won’t be concerned about grass height, weeds, landscaping, etc.? If we all agreed, who would care? That way, we’d all have an extra 3+ hours a week!

I ran the idea by my Dad. He didn’t buy it. Best of luck to you, though.

I don’t want to put any bike companies out of business and I have friends that love their Softrides. It’s just that we’re always trying to one up each other to go faster with our equipment. I’d like it if we just tried to one up each other with our training.

Along the same lines as having to keep the grass cut, I’m applying for jobs right now. As I go through the application process I’m being told to make sure my resume is on nice, heavy weight paper and to do this and that. What is the difference between my resume on expensive paper or plain paper? It says the same thing. Just because one person decided to do it, we all have to.

Back to another post, how is your bike set up to go fast on the cheap?

Go retro and race singlespeed mountain bikes or at the velodrome.

I agree with you and we should run bare footed this way no shoes give you an advanatge, also no shaving your legs or head for an advantage, People in the south should not be allowed to train in the winter at least not outside. I’ll think about some more stuff and let you know.
Oh no more different color bikes , people might compete to see who has the best looking bike instead of training.
Man I’m glad you started this our sport needed more controls!

Oh I forgot BOOKS we must burn the books , someone might learn something that would give them an advantage, which should only come from training!

Now, if we’re going to be totally fair about this, everyone should shave. This would be much more equitable for those of us who are genetically endowed with copious amounts of fur, and much cheaper and easier than making those with sparse growth apply fake hair like a Chia Pet.

How to go fast on the cheap.

  1. Buy the best bike you can.

  2. Ride it a lot.

  3. Keep riding it for years.

adampom -

My question to you is, Why do you race? Is it to “one up” your competitors? That doesn’t sound like too much fun to me.

I’m in this sport/hobby/lifestyle for one reason only - because it’s fun. If it wasn’t fun I wouldn’t be doing it. Bike technology is just one facet of the sport that help make it fun. I’m not too worried about how many people I beat in a race (although I do race hard and to the best of my ability). I’m more concerned about racing against myself and having FUN.

I was talking to a guy the other day who was totally into model trains. His whole basement is one big train set (under construction). I asked him when he was going to be finished with the project, and his reply was a good one - Never.

That’s how I feel about triathlon. It’s something that you tweak and play with forever. When will I find the perfect training plan? Never. When will I find the perfect nutrition plan? Never. When will I finish tweaking my bike so that it’s absolutely perfect? Never.

So my suggestion to you is to enjoy the technology aspect of triathlon and, most of all, have FUN.

What you are proposing is used in other sports (ie weight & design standards). However, not to the extreme of going back in time. Generally this is used to ensure a fairly level playing field for the athletes involved so that rich countries/teams/athletes don’t have a marked advantage due to equipment. I think having a minimum weight for bike equipment would make things more interesting. Then, the differences between equipment would come down to weight distribution, aerodynamics, and most importantly, the athlete. I wouldn’t go so far as to exclude things like disc wheels, aerobars, etc…but I could see having a minimum weight. In fact, I brought this topic up in an earlier post…luckily nobody seemed to care enough at the time to jump all over me about it. But maybe that’s because I didn’t propose going back to old school designs…just having a minimum weight standard.


Gosh, I’m going to miss college…

maybe we should have different weights classes too… like boxing or wrestling. I’m not talking bike weight here. Who really cares when it comes to age group competition. Most pros already have top of the line equipment… the playing field is pretty even in terms of their equipment.

Uhh… the world of triathlons is as much a business as a sport.


I think what makes triathlon a new sport is more than it’s youth. It is a progressive sport that takes the individual sports to a different level. What this sport does best is produce change.

To do anything different would be counter productive. And, from reading between the lines… you seem to be thinking in terms of fairness. Unfortunately, life ain’t fair. Fortunately, I’ve gotten use to that idea.

FWIW Joe Moya

“Comfort and fit are some of the good things with technology, so I don’t want to eliminate carbon bikes if they feel better to some people, but they should be just as heavy as traditional bikes.”

Well, carbon can be just as heavy as steel- look at the Lotus bike. My Fox is kinda hefty; though light weight for the shape it is. Aluminum is cheaper and lighter than just about anything out there.

And if you’re down with technology, better ban comfort while you’re at it, though steel is still arguably one of the most comfortable materials out there, especially if the geometry’s right (albeit significantly heavier than other materials).

“I propose that we all go back to standard 32 spoked wheels, round tubed frames and everything must be heavier than a set minimum weight.”

Guess what? Some one will always find a loop-hole in the rules. Do you propose that a rider who weighs 120lbs should ride a bike that is suitable for a 250 lbs rider?

And as far as wheels go, I TT’d in the pre-deep section rim days. Until I could get a Sun Mistral rim in 18 spokes, I would skip-lace a 36 hole rim to use fewer spokes. Again, that was not high-tech, and frankly was just as fast as a deep section, low spoke count rim (in my opinions- who knows what it looked like in the wind tunnel).

A 140 pounder does not need 32 spokes unless s/he’s riding a criterium. I will only do a crit with 36 spokes.

"We are all so obsessed with technology on our bikes. We have deep dish front wheels, disc rear wheels, flat tubing, super light frames and everything else designed to make us go faster. What is the result of all of this? People who spend more on their bikes get faster for any given amount of effort over people who don’t spend the money. "

Not necessarily true. Some guys spend it all and get dropped by the guy on an old 12 speed Motobecane with drop handlebars, laquered cotton tape, and traditionally routed cables. All of this stuff is designed to get the most out of the fast guys and level the playing field for the rest. But for equipment to truly beat the others, intelligent choices must be made in equipment purchase and choices for the conditions at hand. My Fox would be a terrible choice for a really hilly race, as well as an 11-21 cassette for a hilly race.

In theory, your call for standard equipment could work, but only if every person was identical in every dimension and their power output. The standardisation would still be an unfair advantage to some and an unfair disadvantage to others.

“maybe we should have different weights classes too…”

Actually we do, with the Clydesdale category. By the way that is something I quite never understood. Do you guys know where it comes from and how it spread in triathlons? Other sports are either rated by age or weight (exclusive condition), but triathlon manages to mix both systems.