it seems foolish to buy a $500 bike crate if i only plan on traveling to 1 or 2 triathlons a year, right? how receptive are triathletes to loaning out their box to a buddy? and what kind of etiquette-exchange is involved? a six pack?
and can you cram in 2 sets of wheels??? (zipps and training)
I’ve traveled exactly twice with my bike and borrowed both times. If I was to travel multiple times during a season I’d buy one. I always worry something will happen to it and I’d be totally bummed if I broke a friend’s bike case.
I have a Trico that I have used 3 times. It has been borrowed by 4 different people. Little rubber stoppers are half gone and wear and tear is more visible with each trip, a derpreciating investment to say the least. I say borrow once and buy your own for the next time. My two cents.
I just rent mine from my LBS for $50. If I buy one it will be trashed by the time I go on 10 trips and it is nice not having it take up space in my basement.
I used to borrow one from a friend that he also lent out to others. The last time I asked, he said no, as it was getting too beat up. I felt a little stupid about it, but the rationalized that if the box were severly damaged, I would have to buy him a new one and I’d still be out the $ but with no bike box… I ended up taking my bike to my LBS where they packed it really well in a cardboard box. It was fine.
We borrowed a bike box form a friend once for a trip to NZ. It was damaged (cracked) by the airlines during the trip. Joe repaired the crack and we brought him home a Jersey from NZ. He was thrilled with the Jersey.
I borrowed from a fellow ST’er to travel to IM France (Thanks again!). He has loaned it to others as well.
I can’t imagine why someone wouldn’t want to share if they had it and weren’t using it that particular week/end.
Two sets of wheels might be a stretch. Depends on how tightly closed you want the box. I had bike, zipps, wetsuit, helmet, bike shoes, bottles, etc. in the box and it was tight. Couldn’t have imagined getting a second set in.
I lent mine out to buddies, the first one brought it back damaged the second brought it back broken. I had to buy a new one and don’t lend it out. I believe that if one can afford an expensive bike one can afford a box to protect your investment.
I borrowed first couple trips, then bought my own.
Here is a twist on the subject though.
A running buddy of mine wanted to try tris so I lent him an older, yet still very nice bike. That was over a year ago. We flew to St Croix in May for the race, and HE BOUGHT A CASE. Still hasn’t bought his own bike yet, but he has a case now.
I always loan my out to my buddies. I figure it is better than it collecting dust. I would probably loan it out to anybody as long as it wasn’t within a couple of weeks on myself needing it. If you live in Philly you can use it.