Do you buy a bike box or just leech off of your buddies?

it seems foolish to buy a $500 bike crate if i only plan on traveling to 1 or 2 triathlons a year, right? how receptive are triathletes to loaning out their box to a buddy? and what kind of etiquette-exchange is involved? a six pack?

and can you cram in 2 sets of wheels??? (zipps and training)

sorry for all the questions…


I’ve traveled exactly twice with my bike and borrowed both times. If I was to travel multiple times during a season I’d buy one. I always worry something will happen to it and I’d be totally bummed if I broke a friend’s bike case.

that is what friends are for. just expect to replace/cover the damages if something happens.

Most bike boxes will only fit the frame and one set of wheels.

Check will a LBS/Tri shop they may a case you could rent.

Leech ? the right thing to do is give your friend a little $ or gift.

I have a Trico that I have used 3 times. It has been borrowed by 4 different people. Little rubber stoppers are half gone and wear and tear is more visible with each trip, a derpreciating investment to say the least. I say borrow once and buy your own for the next time. My two cents.

I just rent mine from my LBS for $50. If I buy one it will be trashed by the time I go on 10 trips and it is nice not having it take up space in my basement.

rent or borrow one. Especially being in NYC, owning one (or many as we have) just eats up space that you can use for, you know, a couch.

Its a small community, where ever you are. You’ll always be able to get a hold of one without buying it.

I used to borrow one from a friend that he also lent out to others. The last time I asked, he said no, as it was getting too beat up. I felt a little stupid about it, but the rationalized that if the box were severly damaged, I would have to buy him a new one and I’d still be out the $ but with no bike box… I ended up taking my bike to my LBS where they packed it really well in a cardboard box. It was fine.

We borrowed a bike box form a friend once for a trip to NZ. It was damaged (cracked) by the airlines during the trip. Joe repaired the crack and we brought him home a Jersey from NZ. He was thrilled with the Jersey.

I borrowed from a fellow ST’er to travel to IM France (Thanks again!). He has loaned it to others as well.

I can’t imagine why someone wouldn’t want to share if they had it and weren’t using it that particular week/end.

Two sets of wheels might be a stretch. Depends on how tightly closed you want the box. I had bike, zipps, wetsuit, helmet, bike shoes, bottles, etc. in the box and it was tight. Couldn’t have imagined getting a second set in.

I lent mine out to buddies, the first one brought it back damaged the second brought it back broken. I had to buy a new one and don’t lend it out. I believe that if one can afford an expensive bike one can afford a box to protect your investment.

LOL! Just lent mine out AGAIN! I’ve only used my Trico case about 5 times, but it never seems to be at my house :slight_smile:

I borrowed first couple trips, then bought my own.

Here is a twist on the subject though.

A running buddy of mine wanted to try tris so I lent him an older, yet still very nice bike. That was over a year ago. We flew to St Croix in May for the race, and HE BOUGHT A CASE. Still hasn’t bought his own bike yet, but he has a case now.

I always loan my out to my buddies. I figure it is better than it collecting dust. I would probably loan it out to anybody as long as it wasn’t within a couple of weeks on myself needing it. If you live in Philly you can use it.


Our tri club has 5 of them to rent to members. Our cycling team has one for team members to use. The local tri shop also rents.
