Just had this done and was shocked to receive a 433. Now my cardiologist wants to do either a CT angiogram of my coronary arteries or cardiac catheterization (with angiogram).
Back in May 2023, I had sudden onset of terrible vertigo and pulsatile tinnitus (sounded like ocean waves in my ear that corresponded with my heart beat). It was definite vertigo, and not dizziness. I mentioned I did have occasional dizziness but it would come about with rest or activity and seemed to be more related to work related anxiety/stress than anything else. I mentioned I thought the vertigo could be instigated by my anxiety as well…one episode hit me when I was sitting in my car waiting to return to work after lunch. Because of all of this, the cardiologist/ENT requested multiple different scans (hearing test, MRI brain, CT angiography of brain, EKG, holter monitor, and the coronary calcium scan). They believe I may have Meniere’s Disease (except I don’t have hearing loss yet) but wanted to be safe on the cardiac part.
I ride with a group of 20-30 year old guys (I am 53yo) so my heart rate is maxed out on multiple occasions (and without any chest pain or new excess fatigue or any other adverse cardiac signs). Now that I have this calcium score, and after reading about other’s heart “misadventures” on here, I am paranoid about being the “fit looking” guy with hidden heart disease. Genetics may have doomed me as everyone on my father’s side has had stents placed and/or open heart surgery (none of them were healthy eaters or active).
I’ve read papers that endurance athletes can have calcium scores over 300 without the associated cardiac risk percentages as inactive adults but I am not going to put weight to that until I get further testing.
Sorry, I am rambling here and just concerned.