Columbia Tri: bring your broad spectrum antibiotics

“In testing completed over the last couple of days, some sample results have shown an increased level of transient bacteria…”



I can’t imagine its worse than doing the Nations Tri and having
to swim in the Potomac.

Or the Hudson for NYC

They’re going to cancel the swim and make it R-B-R.

No it hasn’t been announced but I do not suspect Ecoli (Unnamed, but that’s’ what it is) levels at 2-3x acceptable levels will clear up over night. Word has the final sample being taken tomorrow AM and the call being made by 11am.


I really hope they don’t cancel the swim; that would sucks for us swimmer.

But at what expense do they appease the swimmers?

No matter, TriColmbia isn’t running this decision, Howard County Parks and Recs is.

Would it help if I go dump a bunch of bleach in the lake near
where HoCo parks and recs will sample? :wink:

Sweet! At the rates swims are getting cancelled this year, duathlon is making the biggest comeback in multisports history!

The problems is that it’s Ecoli. That’s really really bad stuff and at the levels I was told they tested, it’s insanity to let anyone in the water. What TriColumbia has to be concerned about is the Celebration Sprint next month. Same size as Columbia, non-wetsuit legal.


Oh good, I’m signed up for Celebration too. Sure is a good thing I focused on my swim
training this year!

It’s not a secret that the e coli levels are high. E coli is specifically what is tested for, it is the indicator organism that you test for to see if there are nasty things growing in the water in too high amounts.

E coli isn’t necessarily the scariest critter that grows in contaminated water, but it is the one you test for. The water folks go out and look, if there are more than 126 units per 100 mL then you say that the water has too much bacteria or protozoans or whathaveyou in it to be safe to swim in. They don’t directly measure ALL the stuff that might be growing in there, but if the e coli level is high, then the levels of all those other things are high as well.

In salt water, they measure enterococcus, same idea though, it is a stand-in for all the whatsits that might be there.

As for the next race, the high levels are almost certainly a result of all the recent rain. When it rains heavily,as it has been for the past two weeks it seems, it washes all the stuff on the ground into the lake. All the goose poop, all the dog poop, all the contaminated anything on the roads, all goes into the lakes and rivers. If the rains are really torrential and the city has a combined sewer overflow system, then undertreated sewage goes into the river and so forth. Although I don’t THINK combined sewer overflow would be an issue at the Columbia tri lake. I think just the normal goose and dog poop getting washed into the lake would be the issue.

So for the next race, if it stops raining hard every day at some point between now and then, everything will probably be fine.

those of us who plan to swim in the Delaware River that same morning empathize with you.
a little.

Good luck swimming through the fuel sitting on top of the water…Did that race in 2007 and swore I’d never go back.


So if they make in an R-B-R duathlon, I’m going to guess one lap around the lake for ~5k, then the normal bike and 10k run legs.

Any insight from the du experts as to what pace to run the first run? If your regular run split pace is $x$, then what should the first leg be? Faster / slower / same?

Wow … Such a disappointment! I’ll likely fare much better but it screws with comparisons to previous years races.

And I won’t get to smell that smell as you round the island …

If the first run is a 5k it should be 10k pace … Works for me in du’s when racing that distance. Good luck if there’s no swim!

I’ve become more diligent about cleaning up after my dogs. I have always been good about picking up when I walk em, but now make sure I scoop the yard more regularly. Reports here in Fl say that a good bit of the water pollution problems are from rainwater washing over poop and running into the water. The landfills are further inland away from water. Just an FYI if ya have a dog and want unpolluted water to swim in scoop poop : )

I’m sure dog poop is a contributing factor, but in my walk around the lake
with the kids the other day you wouldn’t believe the amount of goose poop.
I noticed for sure because my 2 year old kept picking them up! Maybe we
should have goose for dinner more often.

It’s seems the only way a duathlon will attract large numbers…advertise a tri and then switch it to a du!

…as for those doing the Escape…with all this rain you’ll also have a current to deal with - there is no
slack tide after a week of downpours.

I think the second year they had this race they plucked 200+ out of the water down stream after a week of
heavy rain.

Aim to the far right of the inlet…if you miss it you’re screwed.