Great banner ad!! This doesn't have anything to do w/ Utan, does it!!??
I enjoy the new forum Great job Dan!!
Great banner ad!! This doesn't have anything to do w/ Utan, does it!!??
I enjoy the new forum Great job Dan!!
.i have two things to say in reply to this message. first, we have an obvious issue with emails sent as html text. how come we have that problem with this forum, i wonder, and not the old one?
and second, man, i knew we had a lot of lurkers, but 55 views in the first 15 minutes, and at night? hmmm. how do we move you all from lurkers to posters i wonder?
Am I doing something wrong to cause the html (I don't think I'm sure what that is) problem? Anything I need to do on my end? Thanks again!!
<P>I think 55 views in the 1st 15min (at night or not) is a pretty strong indication of how well your website and the Slowtwitch Forum is appreciated by people at large. Most of the regulars have yet to check in (or post at least), and yet you’re still getting pretty good traffic. </P>
<P>Congrats, Dan. <FONT style=“BACKGROUND-COLOR: #d9e4f2”>:)<BIG></BIG></FONT></P>
<P>nice job on the new forum, it will just take people a while to get used to the logins and controls until then you will have a lot of lurkers. I like your site and I have turned a lot of my club members on to it.</P>
Where, oh where is Orang to see what he has wrought? (okay, actually it’s a test to see if my sig file works)
ps - in my profile I turned off mark up and switched to the basic editor and I do not get the garbage characters in my posts.
One of the pluses is that to sign up you have to supply a valid e-mail address. This might deter a great majority of trolls.
One of the pluses is that to sign up you have to supply a valid e-mail address. This might deter a great majority of trolls.
And primates.
Very good point!!! Although some (Utan) are certainly further down the chain!
Have a good day!
“and second, man, i knew we had a lot of lurkers, but 55 views in the first 15 minutes, and at night?”
It’s not night for me - I live in England! I generally check the forum when I get into work which is about 1am your time.
GENERAL INFORMATION: In Malay orang means “person” and utan is derived from hutan which means “forest”. Thus orangutan literally means, “Person of the forest.” It is scientifically classified according to the following:
ORDER: Primates
FAMILY: Pongidae
GENUS: Pongo
SPECIES: pygmaeus
Just havin’ some fun with the new HTML Features.
So THAT’S the Orang Utan. Man, he doesn’t have a very aerodynamic face. I bet his bike splits suck. And I bet he has a hard time getting his helmet to fit.
Gerard, get this hairy fella a Cervelo!
Man, he doesn’t have a very aerodynamic face. I bet his bike splits suck.
He rides ass-first – more aerodynamic that way.
is orang still posting here? i havent seen him in ages!!!
I kinda enjoyed the “heated” debates over the most pointless of things
I remember this ad. It rocked!
Are you going through the archives?!
Just got back home from a xmas party that included a bunch of the old timers, including PNF , Souza, MIckey Morera etc, and thought I would go “old school” and reply to the 3rd post ever on this forum.
I really did not have anything to say, but I like to “old school” it occasionally! However, while at the holiday party, I was asked to have Dan delete a certain thread that has been causing some commotion. I think I found the thread…the one about extra curricular bangin. Looks like there are s few folks that are loosing their minds heading into the holidays. Did not read them all, but how about a group hug instead of using as ammo to kill one another!
Anyways, thought I would remind everyone that slowtwitch turns 3 years old in 1 weeks time. If we do not hang each other, 2006 should be a great year!!
55 views in the first 15 minutes, and at night? hmmm. how do we move you all from lurkers to posters i wonder?
What was that saying? “Better to have people think you are stupid than to open your mouth and remove all doubt.” I guess some of us just don’t care if people think we are stupid.