Carry GoPro when OWS

Here is a random question.

Does anyone have this Zone3 tri belt and a GoPro, that could tell me if the GoPro fits inside? Zone3 Race Belt With Neoprene Pouch Black | Swiminn

I’m trying to find an easy way to carry a GoPro with me when open water swimming and just take it out occasionally if I see something to take shots of.

Or if anyone has another idea of how to do this?


If you swim with a pull buoy (which is always a good idea when OWS) you could either clip it to that or even place it inside.

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When I swim alone I use a tow float, but when on swim holidays with a big group and safety boats I don’t, so looking for a solution for that. I have tried clipping it to my tow float, but also find that the weight makes the tow float a little unstable.

Depends on how much ‘proper’ swimming you are doing. When out in Rarotonga then I use a wrist mount - but in fairness that is reef watching with swims between, as opposed to swimming with occasional filmings.

I just shove it down the front of my wetsuit.