Cardio Stress Tests

Holy cow I just took one of those tests for the Fire Dept. Now I can really appreciate the treadmill scene in American Flyers

I was fully hooked up with ekg leads to the PC and starting from a walk they kept upping the ramp angle and speed every minute. I though I was going to hurl on the last one, running at a full sprint up a steep incline, I’m 46 and this is what I got; max HR 180 resting hr 56, max bp 150 /72 resting bp 117/78 THAT WAS HARD

lung capacity is 6.87 liters

anybody else do one of these?

Yeah. it was the hardest workout I’ve ever done! I was shaking for like 3 hours after too. I have never pushed myself so hard - I went like 2 minutes past the point when I wanted to stop.

The next day I did it on the bike which wasn’t nearly as hard. One of the things that makes it so difficult was having your nose pinched and breathing through the scuba-like mouthpiece.

Really worth it though to get accurate training zone info and max hr - I did it before the 13 week build for IM Florida last year. But I’m in no hurry to do it again.

I agree once is enough. I’m really wiped out right now.and it’s been 5 hours

I have been interested in taking one of these test and getting the information you describe along with VO2 Max. I haven’t figured out how to look for a convenient, reasonable priced place to do it. How do you track down a place to do this? I live in South Florida, but I get around a little bit.

I found out about it through a local coach. If you’re ever in Atlanta let me know and I’ll give you the contact info. Hell, here’s the link: i think the cost for the bike and tradmill test were $170 for both.

Check with the USAT National Training Center HUman Performance Lab, 352-314-7444 ext 4600, Chuck Wolfe runs it. They do VO2 Max and LT testing. I saw the equipment and it had the scuba type mouthpiece etc.

I had it done at the local hospital in Santa Cruz, the facility is shared by their Sports Medicine & Industrial Health departments

be prepaired to embrace the pain, great test

A great idea is to check with the any local/regional universities with Exercise/Sports physiology labs. The best (cheapest) way is to try to get into a research study. I made at least $1500 from the human performance lab at my university through my 11 semesters of school being a human guinea pig. I made $800 from one study just for doing 4 - 20 mile runs. If your going to do the training anyway might as well make a dime or two if possible.