how 'bout mexico on this calendar? and the caribbean? and on the other side, canada? esp the east, as in quebec, PEI, newfoundland, etc. if your races were on this calendar people would know you exist; would know you matter; would take you seriously; and you’d be rich, and would have no income taxes, no debt, and you’d get a stipend from your government every month.
then there’s NYC. there are 30 races for the whole state. not very many for NYC, long island, and thereabouts. is the lack of races because those not on the calendar are not worth knowing about, and therefore not worth putting on the calendar? say it isn’t so. that can’t be the case. help me out here.
we’re at about 1300 races. we need to be at 1500 before we’re comprehensive. how 'bout a little help here?
yes, i spoke to the fellow who runs that manitoba organization last week. he said it would be updated this week. so far, no go. my preference is that the org that’s got an interest in the series (usually the RD who puts it on) update the calendar itself, because only the updater can edit the entry. most RDs are interested in controlling the information associated with their own events, so they get right on it. others are a bit more cavalier on the subject.
same answer as i gave above. altho actually i have this covered, because sergio escutia is going to do this for us.
You have the first one there Dan. I have been traveling all week and will take Jr. to track race to Aguascalientes this weekend, so please be patient. I also had to do a lot of translation checking. Translating was a bit more complicated than expected but more will follow soon.
" Are there any plans to add a user review or comments section for each race; similar to the way Marathon Guide handles its race listings?"
no user comments, but yes on user reviews. working on that now. a rating system, click the circle from one to five, on a half-dozen different categories. right now, categories are probably these:
course beauty
course safety
well marshaled
pre/post food
aid stations/port-o-johns
prompt start/results
so, you rate the race 1 thru 5 per category, and that generates an overall rating. then the race gets an aggregate set of category ratins generated from all the reviews, and an aggregate overall rating.
That’s fantastic…in general I am alway curious about the surrounding area, accommodations, if it’s vacation worthy, and family friendly. As you could surmise and I am sure like most, when you are looking for a race it may turn into a vacation with family members so while all of the race information is very important it’s the secondary things that are just as important. There is a thread about Musselman on the board right now and while Jeff puts on a great race the region (Finger Lakes) is a fantastic place for a trip or vacation. If there was some way to gather that information as well from the calendar it would make it even more of a home run than it already is. Thanks.
what i would like is for the RD, or whomever maintains the listing, to place that in the information about the race itself. i’d like RDs to be a bit more proactive and support their own races in this way. some do, others don’t. but now that these listings are up there (we’re at about 1300) i’m hoping, as time goes on, to urge RDs to flesh out these listings with the info you’ve suggested.
I would agree and yes, some RD’s are better than others at making public this type of information. In general, and if you have the opportunity to speak to some RD’s as this continues to grow, I am a proponent of the more information the better as it helps in making a decision and in a way shows the commitment of the people behind the race the are promoting.