Bunnyman says bye for now

I have been thinking about this, and I feel that I am spending way too much time here. I could get in a lot more time training and sleeping. This past weekend’s DNF really has worked on my mind.

There are so many people who have better knowlege of all things multisport than I on this board. I feel very good in knowing that if someone has questions about how to thread in a bottom bracket, or the arguments about the merits and liabilities of threaded/threadless/internal/integrated headsets, there are people who know a lot more than I who can answer the question in a more concise and eloquent way than I ever could. Ultimately, I just chew up bandwidth with my opinions. I cannot see anything past my own stubbornness.

I am exhausted most of the time. But somehow, I find the energy to get on this #@$%ing board. Dan, I am not trying to insult this Forum, it’s the best on the Internet. I just need to get my priorities straight.

I will lurk on occasion. But the cost of regularly playing in this cyber playland has been very high as of late. So, I cannot, in good conscience, be a regular participant right now. Maybe I can be later.

I will anwer e mail once per week. If you want to contact me, e mail me directly at : velobunny@aol.com.

Thanks for all of the fun.

Douglas A. Rogers

Bunny, tell me it ain’t so. You need to spend less time on the Centcom briefings with Gen. Brooks, not less time on the forum.

Is it just me or have the quality of posts on this board been progressively declining over the past four months? Im not really getting anything out of it anymore, which is probably why I only check it 2x per week now vice daily during 2002. A few posters in particular have really kept me away from this board as well. I hate to say it but I now feel a bad political anti-American vibe when I browse this board.

Oh well, there are plenty of cycling boards.


Definitely say it isn’t so, Bunnyman! You can’t quit now, you’re part of the old guard on this board. You have seniority. Don’t let one DNF turn you into a big furry wuss.

I’ll bait you into posting. Go ahead. Try to quit!

Does anybody out there have any good directions on how to properly mount sew-ups?

What’s the big deal with integrated headsets, anyway? They look like a great idea to me. Does anybody have any opinions?

And what about Corima bikes? I’ve heard some bad stuff about them.

Big EE
(Still waiting for info on Bunnyman Institute hats and outer wear)

Hey bunnyman. Yeah, I know the feeling. There are so many things going on. I need to stay current and present on this forum since it is part of my job selling and fitting triathlon bikes, wetsuits, clothes, etc. It does take a lot of time though. Especially during this time of year it is tough. I am also concerned with the (incorrect)impression that some people may have that all I do is post on here and don’t do any real work. I guarantee you, this is as close to an around the clock operation as I am capable of supporting. If you look at the times of my posts they run the gammut from 5:30 a.m. to 2:30 a.m. and everything in between. It does take a ton of time. Having you away from the forum does substantially detract from it though. I hope you can fit some posts in here and there. Best wishes my friend.

Doug, I have only you for my having the great Renn disc(clincher, though) that I’m riding this full season. Slow down but keep contributing, you haven’t burned out yet. You have a lot to offer.

Bob Sigerson

I second Bob’s comment.

While I definitely don’t have seniority on this board or in the area of multisport events, I can definitely say that with you taking a hiatus from the board, it is losing one more touchstone in reality and will suffer a decrease in solid knowledge-base. And I have to add that " own stubbornness" is one of the reasons you will be missed. The fact that you’ve tried so many products and theories and don’t waffle on your opinions or on the results of your tests makes you a valuable asset, whether or not everyone finds the ilk to agree with every one of your ideas.
Our loss, for sure!

It’s just spring AND you know what bunny’s do in the spring!!!: ]

Sorry to see you go, Bunnyman. But first, let me just say that it sounds like you’ve misidentified a solution to your problem. Yes, it’s easy to spend far too much time here, and yes that time could be spent training or sleeping. Just like anything else in our lives, the web should be used in moderation. I don’t think going cold turkey is necessarily the answer. It doesn’t have to be one extreme or the other. It seems to me that you should be able to make sure you spend no more than, say, 15 minutes on the forum each day. Sure this appeal is probably for selfish reasons, but contrary to your assertions you make a huge contribution to this board. I hope you’ll reconsider.

Already I feel a growing urge to buy an frame with and integrated headset and a pair of really crappy hubs. Oh the humanity!!!


I would try to talk you out of going too but i would also like to thank you for all of your help whether you stay or go.

Who else is gonna cheer with me for Amy White? Come on bro - the woman deserves a better fan club than this! :wink:

Seriously though - I hope you do stick around and post occasionally, or come back soon.

Wait the box came today !!! Two new TOFO tires and the sealant and your going ? Thanks for the good times and the helpful input . I will enjoy these TUFO tubies as soon as it stops snowing and the road dries up!! You were right these tires are a great deal for the money.
Thanks Dirtball!

I too decided to buy a tubular in part because of your passion about them. I haven’t used it yet, so you just can’t go. What if I have any problems?
