Bump Brothers (and Sisters) / AC Joint Injuries

Level III AC joint separation this weekend. Saw Ortho today Clavicle is more than 100% higher than it should be. Said we could do surgery and trade a scar for a bump and shoulder would probably be as good as new unless there was some stretching of the ligaments in which case it would be a little loose but no worse than it would be without surgery. Putting aside the cosmetic issues which i don’t care about, I think the main issue is long term function and pain. I care more about the next 10 years of training and racing than I care about if I am racing in 8 weeks or 12 weeks. Views and experiences are appreciated.

Going through a level 2 AC separation right now. No surgery required, although it’s taking forever to heal (welcome to live over 40 years old.) No more pain after 4 weeks, but still can’t swim.

I’ve had a level 3 separation since last August. The ortho doc said he could repair it with cadaver tissue but that means a long down time and the possibility of complications from the surgery. He suggested that I’d be better off recovering without surgery If I’m not experiencing problems related to the separation.

It was Uncomfortable and annoying for several months. Lots of scraping and cracking, especially when I tried to lift weights. I’m basically used to it now and can do about everything I could do before; swim, bike, run, racquetball, etc. The bump on the shoulder is pretty ugly, though.

The injury occurred in August and I did a sprint tri in November and another in December. It sucks and I’m sorry to hear that it happened to you. But you’ll be fine.

Grade III, I would think the ligaments are gone. That’s what my ortho said at least. Did mine Feb 08, 10 weeks prior to IMAZ. Doc said I couldn’t do any more damage, only limiter was the pain. Went to PT and was a good student, was back doing 3K workouts within the month, and made it to the start line of IMAZ.

Doc said surgery is not a guarantee, and unless I have to lift over my head or throw a ball for a living, it’s trading a bump for a scar and several weeks of recovery. He also said it could be done anytime, so I decided not to do it for now

Hurt like a mother for a while. No pain now, and 100% functional. but it is rather ugly, and feels like there’s some scraping and grinding going on in there sometime. Have lost some strength that I never got back.

Good luck with the recovery. Any questions shoot a PM if you want

I’m now 3 weeks into a fractured clavicle and partial AC separation. I go back to the ortho on thursday for a follow up to check healing. I’m at the gym on the spin bike keeping up with cardio and some leg muscle. Can’t swim or jog/run yet. I’ll know more thursday. Swelling is gone, ugly yellow bruise now, big bump on my shoulder has gone down a little bit but not a lot. I stopped taking pain meds of any kind 3 days after (i hear it slows down healing process). No pain now, sometimes random sharp pains that last for like a second but nothing too crazy.
I only wear the sling when im out in public now, not really at home since it doesnt hurt to be out of the sling.
I have a lot of motion back in the arm and it feels good to move it. Hang in there you’ll be fine, just takes time.
Stay away from the pain meds, not worth it.

Grade III AC joint survivor here


I was given the option until it was explained to me in real term.
To repair it they just cut in there, through muscle etc. You might have a strong AC joint but a weak pec muscle where they have cut through. Your body is am amazing organism and will repair itself if you do the right thing. I took 2 weeks off work and did NOTHING with that arm ( I couldnt move it it anyway) then I started rehab with the help of a good mate who is a sports injury specialist. Dont go to a physio, they will just want you to push it and it isnt going to do you any good!

I then went to get some acupuncture on the area. Not the most relaxing experience I have had, but worked REALLY well. It created scar tissue at the joint and helped to pull it back in line.

I can do whatever I want movement wise now. 3 yrs on. If I had of actually been mega serious about my rehab I could ofbeen all good after 6 months! Meaning it was ok after about 12 months but could of been back training after 6!

I have moved house twice, lifted any number of heavy things and it hasnt ever bothered me. Only issue I get sometimes is if I sleep on it wrong. If you want anymore info just PM me.

I had a Grade III with total dilocation of the bone. my clavicle was displaced fully above the joint by about 5mm (which is a lot).

My Doc reccommended that I wait a month before doing anything jsut to see if it woudl heal on its own. After about 20 days most of the pain was gone and i was not wearing the sling all the time, but I couldn’t lift my arm to shake your hand.

I had the surgery and in medical terms the Doc said it “looked like a bomb went off in there”. I had complete disection of both the AC and CC ligaments and had shreadded most of the muscle tissue around the joint. Fortuneately my rotator cuff was fine.

The recovery form the sugery was very painful. I had the cadavor ligament put in, it stretched a little so now I have a scar (a really wicked one) and a slight bump. The repair is non-anatomical which is med speak for your shoulder will never be the same. I’m back running cycling and swimming. I’ve got 100% mobility and ~95% of strength in most directions. Everyonce in a while it will get tweaked moving in the wrong direction, but that is pretty rare.

Don’t listen to anybody that says deffinately do or don’t, it is not their shoulder. I for one would never have regained the full use of my right arm without getting cut so I’m thankful that I had the surgery, but still wish the I had not needed it. The body is amazing at compensating and healing, but sometimes you still need some help. Try waiting a month or so and get some other opinions. The surgery has a 1-2 YEAR recovery time because it is highly invasive. For me it was worth it, for you it may not be. good luck.

If you don’t get it fixed odds are that you’ll be limited in your swimming forever. Even a few years down the road if you find a place with no more pain, the stroke on that side will likely be screwed up.