Brasil Wednesday

Sergio still doesn’t have his bike. ;-(

Rain again.

Full report on blog.

Hey Cathy

How are you feeling?? I hope the weather gets sunny and that darn rain stops for you~~ Have fun and I have enjoyed reading your blog, :)~


not many responses but i for one enjoy the updates…keep 'em coming Cathy!

Thanks Sonja and Peter!

Regarding another thread—the stress (and pain in my neck/shoulder/tricep) that I was having right before I left seems to be gone. I have been sleeping really good at night and having THE SERGIO to hang out with is a plus. What a sweetheart.

No rain this morning…good sign!


Yep, keep them coming, always good to know what is happening… Also it is much more realiable to read an athlete updates than check the weather channel.

I will be there tonight.


Good luck down there Cathy! Or should I say “boa sorte”!


Good luck to you,Olaf and Sergio this weekend.

Thanks for the updates Cathy. I hope Monty doesn’t read your blog and find out you didn’t eat breakfast before your run yesterday!! Tsk Tsk!! :slight_smile:

I’m heading out for Triple T in a few hours and I doubt I’ll have Internet access until I get home. Good luck on Sunday. I’ll be thinking of you all day!

Good luck at the Triple T Dawn!

Good luck at the Triple T Dawn!

Yes, GOOD LUCK!! You are going to do great.

Thanks!! Good luck to you too in Brasil! I know you’re going to do great down there. Can’t wait to read race reports from you and Cathy.

Cathy and Monica,

Hope you both have a great race! Can’t wait to hear the details…

Jen (KC)

Have a great race Cathy and Monica!
And Dawn!
