Bottle Positions CFD Tested: Bottled Speed

could you test this please, on top of the suit, just in case somebody wants to reinvent the wheel for 2025.

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That was tested in 2016, post Kona and documented in the video Chasing the Lion.

Some poor schmuck had to fill the camelback that was seized from all the Gatorade from Kona.

Same poor schmuck developed a friendship with Quasimodo


That is some awesome CFD with the bottles parallel to the ground high or low. Thanks for posting that.

One thing to think about it you are an athlete running parallel to the ground bottles is that IRL if you struggle to get the bottles like LCB did a few years ago in a PTO race (anyway I think it was her) you have erased all your aero gains from everything you did to become more aero, new helmet, better kit etc.

In the above scenario when you’re in a race the .001 or even a .005 penalty that allows you to get a bottle and put it back quickly with ease could actually be faster than a faster bottle position that you struggle with.

ETA: Yes it was LCB


The move is to drink from BTA bottle and just swap out with the rear when empty.


Looks like my BTS setup I cobbled together isn’t too bad after all.

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Cant remember the race or year, but I have definitely seen an ass saver’s being used within the world tour during a super grim, wet race.

Scrolled to the Escape collective 5 min later to see this:

i do seem to rember it was actually not as bad as it looked like, would that be correct i did not watch the doco but did see a clip with a guy that looked like a poor schmuck.

yes, it was not as bad as everyone thought

they sent the poor schmuck to the washrooms to fill the bottle
Couldn’t unjam it so the not so smart poor shmuck decided to try the shower
But poor schmuck is also a klutz so go a good fully dressed showering


Great story!

Too bad USTA doesn’t allow camel backs anymore

Egan Bernal used to use them, IIRC it was used a lot in the Giro in the rain.

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Maybe a dumb question, but couldn’t you just fill the Camelbak with air?

yes we could have
The camelback came from Kona all sticky and gross and the lid was seized with sugar.
Step 1 was unseizing and emptying. Yes we could have filled it with air. We put water.

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Ok, that makes sense, but ewww…

Overall bad numbers, this guy was a wardrobe.

He finished at .230

could likely have won kona had you put the camel back under the chest … and you would be the king of slowtwitch

She’s since practiced and when she had stacked bottles on her V8, she’s had no issues and her double bottle set up tested 7w faster than the set up in the video linked to.

We’re just releasing a BTS bracket with loops preinstalled. Sending to our pros tomorrow.

That’s really bad for someone under 7 feet tall, right?

How did you mount the bottle?