Body marking poll

This thread;post=5151359;page=1;sb=post_latest_reply;so=ASC;mh=25; brings up an issue that I think about every race. Let’s take a poll If Dan sees this it would be great to make it the side banner poll, if so please feel free to delete the thread and just have the official poll.

Body marking should:

  1. Stay
  2. Go away

My vote:

  1. Go away

Go away.

go away.

Stamp it.
Engrave it.
Tattoo it.

Case closed.


This thread…_reply;so=ASC;mh=25; brings up an issue that I think about every race. Let’s take a poll If Dan sees this it would be great to make it the side banner poll, if so please feel free to delete the thread and just have the official poll.

Body marking should:

  1. Stay
  2. Go away

My vote:

  1. Go away

depends on how they test in the Specialized Win(d) Tunnel.

  1. Go


How else will people know that I’ve competed in an athletic event that required me to be numerically identified using black sharpie markings? Sometimes, I avoid washing it off just to prolong the story.


How else will people know that I’ve competed in an athletic event that required me to be numerically identified using black sharpie markings? Sometimes, I avoid washing it off just to prolong the story.

You forgot the outline from the tan after you wash it off.

most of the time I don’t even bother to get marked. I race in cycling jerseys and wear calf sleeves, so there is little point to it anymore, now that most races require you to wear a number for the bike/run…


  1. Provides useful information if you are interested in how you place in your AG.
  2. Could possibly help in a medical situation where they are trying to quickly get an ID.

I did Chicago on Sunday and had my wife body mark me. Race organizers suggested self-marking in race instructions. Pretty easy to do.

Body marking on the hand to quickly identify a swimmer pulled from the water seems to be the only rational need for it.

Ages on the back of the calf should definitely be done away with. It’s never mandatory according to USAT rules and so many people wear compression socks now that it makes no sense. If a RD wants athletes to be able to identify each other from each AG some other means should be used - the suggestion by someone else of different color chip straps seems pretty good.

If a RD wants athletes to be able to identify each other from each AG some other means should be used .

Maybe some HTFU spray?

Stay, so that my competitors can see they’ve been bum-rushed by a Master’s athlete!

  1. Stay

Medical/safety/liability needs outweigh the minor inconvenience of having it done.

Keep the body marking! Tradition. Besides, how will you know when you are passing somebody in your age group if you don’t have body marking?

Arm / Shin-not quad / and age-calf

I enjoy the photos (easier identification)
Easier medical info if need
Seeing someone in my age group gives me a boost, even with time trial starts.
Most kits cover the quad and Big races are moving to the shin for easier sighting on the bike.


Go away.
Any (marginal) benefit is outweighed by the extra step in the sign-in process.