Blackwell Performer clip-on

Can anyone post some pictures of these bars? the pic on the b-well web site, well, stinks!

I have yet to see these in person. I would appreciate it!


according to a promise to me from John Cobb, we will soon get to see these close up. watch this space.


me is a watching this space!

here are some close-up photos of the blackwell clip-on:

I just got my Carbon ones last month and put them on my Vision Base Bar. I love them. I have only raced in them 1 time but they were super comfortable. I liked them much better than the S bend bars. I now know why they say wrist relief on the side.

Nice pictures. Are you using bar-end shifters or STI’s? If you have the bar-end, are you able to channel the cables internally?


great…thanks for the pictures! (any more?)

I can’t get the 3rd one to load - the width adjust

The pad supports look like the back 1/3 has been whacked right off. Are they as large as a Syntace pad?

Anyone know if the fit is like a Syntace? Elbows on the pads?

i do have one more photo.

but something is very odd. i have tried a bunch of online image hosts and there is something with this specific .jpg file (not a big file) that simply refuses to host online. i just get red X’s. for the life of me, i cant figure out why …

The pads are almost the same size as Syntace. There is not a picture of the actual pad in the files I sent gregx. You can get the pad placement to the back of your elbows very easily. Generally there is not as much power when you do that. The pads will go narrower than Syntace and wider plus as you set them wider they turn in lightly to help maintain proper arm angle to the extensions.

Anyone know the weight of these things? And before you all rant about ‘weight doesn’t matter’, I’m mostly worried about handling, heavy clip ons on top of your handlebars don’t do good things for the handling of road bikes.

The alloy bars weigh 576 grams. The model with the carbon extensions weigh 560 gr. but the carbon extensions have a better “feel”. The carbon extensions come with an internal alloy sleeve to prevent cracking when using bar end shifters and they are also pre drilled to run the cables internal if you wish.


So I read your clip-ons are way more adjustable than almost all others out there…cool. So if you want a fit similar to vison, or syntace, or profile you can probably achieve it with these bars. (?)

Man, I really would like more pictures!

Anyone have pictures of these installed on a base bars as opposed to road bars?

There is no way, probably, that I will see these bars in real life. They are on my short list to replace what I am currently running.

