Bikesport Michigan moving to new "Superstore"

At the risk of using Dan’s website for gratuitous self-promotion: We are moving Bikesport from our current location to next door into a building over twice the size of our current location. We have a huge new shop area, completely renovated with custom service counters, the whole “Ferrari F1” treatment (or our version of it at least). It will be SUPER cool. The best part is the bike fitting room: A seperate room fully equipped with a Serotta Size Cycle, All the NECA Fit Kit sizing tools and equipment, two Compu-Trainers, it’s seperate tools for sizing and fully stocked with stems, seatposts, saddles, aerobbars, cranks, pedals, cleats- all the fun stuff to totally dial bikes in for the perfect fit. This placve is going to be beautiful. We even have a big basement for bike storage. The place will open some time after July 1. We’re stoked. Big fun. It will be nice to have some elbow room. And yes, we’ll have at least one big screen TV to watch the Tour and Ironman and a killer stereo and a shitload of computers with fast connections. Big fun!

I can hear the phone call now: (background - I’m getting married in July)

“What’s that honey? - yeah, we’re going to Michigan for our honeymoon…no, not the U.P. - headed more for Detroit actually…why?..umm…well…so that I can drool over this new bike shop…honey?..speak to me…”

And that is about as far as it would get. Oh well, maybe next year when I’m working on getting a new tri bike I’ll make the trek.

FWIW - I did try to listen to the show, but my PC didn’t want to connect so I was stuck with no news…I’ll try to check out the archive though.

Congrats on the move - sounds like a great step for you and your business.



Thanks guys, we are all very excited. And very poor now… :slight_smile:

Ah, I knew it! (Disclaimer: I heard Tom discussing this on the phone while we were doing my fit).

Supercool - all the extras (like the computers and stereo) will be a killer touch. If you could get a bar in there for swapping stories, that would REALLY kill! Can’t wait to see it!



What? No dueling piano bar? No EPO dialysis/shoe shine stations? No Tyler Hamilton crash simulator? No Eddy Merckx look-alike Go-Go dancers?

And you have the audacity to call it a bike shop?


Oh, ah, yeah… We’ll have all that stuff. :slight_smile:

Red carpet and velvet ropes into the entrance too?

Reverend Dr. Jay

Hmmmm, well, almost… We have many spotlights (no kidding) and an impressive awning. We also have a number of interesting hidden compartments and hidden doors since it was formerly a high-end jeweler. We also have a bank vault- no kidding. A full size vault. No idea what I will do with it, and a sophisticated video surveillance system. Ultimate haven for the paranoid cyclist. The building is huge and beautiful. Clean as a whistle and utterly cavernous. The fitting room is to die for. Tons of room. We have new digital cameras that interface directly with a video monitor so you can view your position while on the bike. This is huge. I am so broke, but so stoked.

I always thought you were rich, but I guess not anymore (but your new store will probably bring in lots of $$$)

Rich? Are you kidding? I’m in the bike business… It has its rewards though.

hide your girlfriend in there when she’s been bad.

    Idea for bank vault: 

Better yet- onsite daycare! Think of it. guys could bring in the kids, drop them off in the vault, and spend hours salivating over the latest stuff and spending tons of $$.

Just kidding, of course. The kid could stay with me no problem. It’s the wife I’d have to lock up :slight_smile:

Make the vault a “dream room” complete with intrusion detection system. Hang a full on Pinarello Montello, one of those TCR Golds, one of Lance’s tour bikes, and some other ultra high-end equipment and cycling memorabilia. Create a small sector of your business that advertises and sells to the “more $$ than sense” crowd. It would be like a mini cycling shrine to us mortals, supported by the rich and famous.

Or you can use it to lock away your new Soloist Team because you are going to have a hard time holding on to it. Rumor is that someone is planning to heist it while you’re out petting pussycats!

Someone mentione a creche. That’s not so stupid. In NZ where I am from most smart shops have a section with a big box of toys for kids to paly with, or even a small plastic climbing frame, video playing a kids show?.

the ratioonale is you can’t spend money while the kids are anoying you so distract the kids so the folks can relax and spend rather than rushing in and out of the shop only buying what teh absolutly need.

Esp important for weekend shoppers: a small cost to you.

Only a thought

Hmmm, in all seriousness the day care is not a bad idea. This place is actually large enough so we could pull it off.
I was in the building today bleeding some more money and the former owner showed me that the glass in the office window is “bullet resistant”. He was very careful to say it isn’t “bulletproof”. Interesting. I was like, “Ahh, Bill, do you have many enemies?” I sold one of the safes today to a contractor also. He said he was putting his guns in it(!). We very excited. And very broke.