I will soon be moving to Seattle from southern California and don’t really like the thought of riding my nice tri bike in the rain everyday. I realize with a little more maintenance it would probably be fine but I would like to get a road bike anyway.
Does it make sense to buy something like the Cervelo Prodigy or will it rust? Any frame types that are going to do better in this type of environment? I have been spoiled by riding in the sun basically year round.
I live in Seattle and ride almost year around, as do many of my friends. You’ll love it up here. There are some amazing places to ride. I have a Trek 5000 carbon fiber bike and have had no problems with rust, etc. I clean the chain it every few days. The spring and summer are usually dry and very nice up here, but the winter is wet. I suggest getting fenders, neopreene booties and a rain jacket. I also have a Cervelo P3 that I use for racing and nice training days.
Well, with Kool-Stop green brake pads (I guess it took more than two words).
Also, one caveat. If you’re the kind of rider that dents rims, then don’t bother. But many, if not most riders up here (Seattle) are going to wear out the rims first - the road grit gets on the brake pads and acts like sandpaper on the rims. You can wear out a set of wheels in one winter, easy, if you ride a few hundred miles a week.
This almost totally goes away with ceramic rims and the appropriate pads. They just last and last. Plus you STOP even when the rim is quite wet.
Get a set of the Gilles Berthaud carbon fiber fenders for your roadbike, too.
A bit off topic… but, moving to Seattle brings to memory of a visit I made to Seattle some 3 yrs. ago. While there, I decided to buy a friend a home warming gift (since he had just move to Seattle from Utah).
I thought the perfect gift would be a rain gauge. Guess what? I looked for a whole day in the down town area and like to have NEVER found a rain gauge.