Bike fitting for triathletes in Central Pa

Is there any places I can go to get fitted on my tri bike in my area that know what they are doing??? Maybe outside my area as well?

I’m getting my bike fitted today @ Fitwerx in Waitsfield, VT. Since I live in Burlington, VT there is no travel issue for myself. I know that they also do fits in Boston, MA & Manchester, NH. I don’t know how far you want to go, but from people I’ve talked to the fits are pretty good. I’ll reply later on to tell you how it went…

David Greenfield from Elite Bicycles in Philadelphia

has a good reputation; you may want to try him. There

was some talk about his fitting ability a while back,

if you do a search you may find it.

You may want to email Ken Glah and/or Jeff Devlin. Two former? pro triathletes who live full-time in Pennsylvannia. Jeff Devlin has his email on his site, and I think I remember seeing Glah’s on the IM Brazil website.

hope this helps.

if you can make the trek to philadelphia…it will be well worth your time to look up david greenfield of elite bicycles, a VERY knowledgable fitter. you will be set up perfectally to race your stlye of racing and your body type…call him