Bike fit and hip pain

I ride a Kestral Talon set up aero bars. When I bought the bike 2 years ago I thought the LBS had fit me correctly. I’m beginning to wonder now. Sometimes, especially at the start of a hard ride, my hips and mid gluts start to hurt. The pain does go away but it can really slow me down. Is this a sign of an improper bike fit? What can/should be done?

If your hips are hurting, then it could be that your hips are rockin and rollin as you pedal - a sign that your saddle is too high. But that usually is not a factor at the beginning of a ride. The gluts are probably a sign of your current level of fitness and or how rested you are from your last training session.

It’s really difficult to play armchair physio - you should post a couple of shots of you on the bike so that we can play armchair bike fitter. Failing that the advice you will likely get from this forum is to go get a professional fit (try the FIST list on the home page) and eliminate your bike fit as a possibility. If you still have a problem then you can concentrate on your flexibility and or visit a sports therapist. In any case just knowing that you are professionally fit to your bike is a big step in the right direction and one less thing to wonder about - not to mention the added benefit of knowing that your position on the bike is optimal for comfort and power. That might solve your problems right there.