Azoto saddle drink system compatibility

Has anyone successfully put a rear seat mount to an Azoto tri saddle? Tried the Minoura, mounting plate too wide. Then the xlab flatwing, can’t get to the nut to tighten. This is giving me a headache!

Any suggestions?

I have a Minoura mounted on my Azoto Tri saddle with no problems at all. However, I was not able to mount the Minoura on the Selle San Marco Era model that originally came with my bike.

You can mount a X-Lab but you will need another person to assist you.

Both the Flatwing and Saddlewing will fit on the Azoto, it just takes a lot of patience. I start by putting all the brackets loosely and slowely tighten them a turn at a time. I also put a small piece of old tire rubber between the clamp and the rails to ensure a long lasting tight fit.

I just put a minoura on mine last night. I laid the bike on its side. A friend started to slide the metal bar in through the side. The saddle hung on the indention in the metal plate so I pulled on the side of the saddle while he finished sliding the plate into place.

I have the X-Lab saddlewing mounted on my Azoto. However, it is a pain in the arse to get it on there. Like another poster said, try putting all of the screws in really loose, and then gradually tighten.

My problem is, now that its mounted, it sits right up flush against the back of my saddle. When I slide back in the saddle for long hills, I push against it and sometimes lose bottles.

I had a similar problem with the Flite TT saddle. The solution is to wrap some electrical tape around the rails where the Minoura bracket is going to sit. This fills in the space and creates some traction. I hope this helps.

Neal Dunn