Athletica AI?

Seems there’s no app available?

Don’t really need one, the sites works really well on your phone

This quote from the great Joe Friel in his latest Craft of Coaching issue could be worth a view…

If your income is largely dependent on sales of templated training plans for a broad market, I suggest you look to make a change because this where AI can outperform you with lightning-fast personalization. To remain competitive going forward, every training plan needs to be highly personalized. This will cause some head-scratching because customization involves time, and time costs money.

Video walkthrough of latest UI/X update for coaches here.

I recently signed up for a free trial of TriDot, and after reading this thread I’m curious how the two platforms compare?
Has anyone tried both or switched to Athletica AI from TriDot?

Hey, I tried TriDot only shortly as the training plan it was giving me was not making any sense to me. Way too much Zone 3 work.

Also tried Humango, and not impressed. Way too much tempo work. For example, long runs backed by another run the day after. Running 2:45 with some tempo and then running another run the day after with more tempo. That is asking for trouble if you ask me. Why two tempo paced runs back to back? In fact out of 12 workouts, only one was zone 2, 2 strength workouts and rest had either threshold efforts, vo2max efforts or tempo efforts. Geez.

Athletica is well balanced in my opinion, following solid sports science principles allowing me to work at really high intensity some of the time (love their 30/30 VO2max) and most at low intensity. Of course build phase is more towards race pace as it should :smiley:

In between these these three, Athletica clearly demonstrates the sport science that goes into its backend in its planning. As they say: train smarter, not harder.

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Thank you for the info, I think I’ll give Athletica AI a try :slight_smile:

I agree - although I’ve found that the machine learning for my low intensity run prescriptions could use some more work. I’m being assigned runs which are about 25% too slow (by pace) while still barely being able to meet the minimum HR threshold for the session.

I’m only using the 2 week trial at the moment and it seems the data set it reaches into to prescribe these workouts is truncated. However, I would have thought that after three sessions there’d be an adjustment - there has been a “new threshold” assignment but the dicotomy in slow runs still persists.

Did you do the test week? That way your training intensity zones get updated (I would do the 5K TT first), and you’ll find your low intensity pretty bang on ! In the mean while, go by perceived effort, and forget about pace. :smiley: At the moment Athletica brings in 6 weeks of data from Garmin when you start. So say if you haven’t trained much the last 6 week, or had any higher intensity work done to calibrate your threshold, how would it know what you can really do?
So, my suggestion would be to crank out a fun 5K and see your intensity zones updated :smiley:

Thank you! good to know, I’m a few days out from the 5k test / time-trial…I’ll see what happens to the levels / prescriptions. That being said, coincidentally I have a few 5k TT’s in the training history that Athletica should be sourcing from that should have been equally informative so I’m curious to see what might change.

In general, I’m surprised how similar the plan is to what I would have programmed for myself (other than swimming - I am usually mowing the lawn without the stochastic drill/kick stuff).

Load ‘SettledSciencePolarised’ as FrameWork
Loop if( “unfit”=true ,
Increase Load ,
elseif( “injured”=true ,
Decrease Load ,
end Loop

Today’s latest release:

  1. Users connected to Garmin will automatically have synced their last two years of data. Unlimited manual historical import option now also.
  2. AI Coach Summary. Groundbreaking feature designed to provide personalized, coach-like feedback after each workout. Engage with our AI coach and it will provide increasingly relevant and useful feedback. Example here:

Any blackfriday discounts to join up?

Any blackfriday discounts to join up?

Watching thread 👀

This has been a thread I’ve been watching.

Is there a way to do “focus” blocks with the AI by saying something like “for the next six weeks id like to focus more on cycling and just maintain on running”?

I don’t see this option in the athlete version. You don’t really interact with it yet. Coaching interface might offer different functionality.

Any blackfriday discounts to join up?

Watching thread 👀

👉 one-time discount code for new customers: BF2023
👉 can be used on monthly, 6-monthly or yearly plan (on an annual plan this is equivalent to $12.60/month or 42 cents a day)
👉 must sign up for a paid subscription by December 14 (start free trial by November 30)

This has been a thread I’ve been watching.

Is there a way to do “focus” blocks with the AI by saying something like “for the next six weeks id like to focus more on cycling and just maintain on running”?

For this use case I would recommend using our “train-to-maintain” feature (settings) for 6 weeks and select either:

  1. Duathlon plan, or
  2. Cycling all-rounder plan and just do your own running

You’d likely choose 1 in your case but both options are available

Just discovered this software. I setup an Olympic training plan for a race in May. My initial concerns with this software

  1. No rest days
  2. No ability to set bike training based on HR instead of power
  3. First week already has 2 bike workouts at 3 hours long, seems a bit long this early
  4. Not clear if workouts recorded by Garmin (not scheduled in Athletica) will transfer over
  5. Not clear if paces/thresholds will automatically update as I improve
  6. And reading the Athletica forum it seem that the structured swim workouts dont push to garmin? Thats a deal breaker for me if that is the case.

Looks like it has potential to be a great solution for me, however without knowing the above it will make it tough to jump all in.

Just discovered this software. I setup an Olympic training plan for a race in May. My initial concerns with this software

  1. No rest days
  2. No ability to set bike training based on HR instead of power
  3. First week already has 2 bike workouts at 3 hours long, seems a bit long this early
  4. Not clear if workouts recorded by Garmin (not scheduled in Athletica) will transfer over
  5. Not clear if paces/thresholds will automatically update as I improve
  6. And reading the Athletica forum it seem that the structured swim workouts dont push to garmin? Thats a deal breaker for me if that is the case.

Looks like it has potential to be a great solution for me, however without knowing the above it will make it tough to jump all in.
4. non scheudled workouts will get imported from Garmin.
5. paces/thresholds will update as you get fitter. you’ll get a prompt on the athletica site to accept a new pace/threshold/etc
6. correct, you can’t push the swim workouts to your garmin

Thanks. Seems odd that training peaks, and the swim coach app can push the structured swim workouts to Garmin but not this one.

I didn’t even know garmin did this. Been training for a decade and never felt like I needed a swim workout on my watch in the pool.