Anyone running w/ a Headlamp?

Any adventure racers out there? In an effort to combat the short days, and the fact that I prefer to run on trails (instead of the conveniently lit streets) I’m considering doing my after work runs on the trails w/ a head lamp. Is anyone doing this, and can you recommend a light-weight head lamp that provides enough light to keep me from tripping over roots?

Black Diamond makes an excellent little unit. I’m not sure of the model (I’m at work) but it has 3-4 LED lights and runs on 2-3 AAA batteries. Very light. The battery pack is on the strap at the back of your head. You hardly notice the weight, especially if you put it over a hat.

It’s not enough light for biking, but plenty for trail running. I sometimes carry a mini-mag flashlight in my hand if its a real cloudy/moonless night.

Night trail running is awesome!

I second the Petzl Tikka. I have several different Petzl’s and it is the best.

for that purpose the Tikka is great. great for around a campsite and miscellaneous chores.

if you plan to have this as a multi-use headlamp (climbing, racing, whatever) then i recommend Black Diamonds Gemini.


The black diamond one has more light. The tikka is not positionable and barely bright enough. Don’t do what I did, trip over a root and tore a bunch of ligaments… 9 weeks on crutches, 6 months and counting rehab.

I use also a Black Diamond headlamp and like it. It is very light and the 3 LEDs gives good illumination.


I use a Black Diamond for most trail running (e.g. Leadville 100) and have a brighter Petzl Duo when I need more light, which is rare.