Anyone interested in buying wholesale lot of triathlon clothing and swim gear?

I have about 300 pieces of Zerod triathlon clothing (tri suits, tri tops and shorts) and swim wear (men’s and women’s) and swim gear (pull buoys, paddles and kickboards) that I’m selling off at approx 75% off retail value. If you might be interested, please PM me and I can get you information on exactly what’s available and the price.

Wanting to sell as a whole, so serious inquiries only please!

is everything all one size? and is it all like a men’s medium or mixed sizes and sexes?


It’s all mixed sizes, sexy, styles and colours


HI, there. Can you PM the left over list, and price too? Thanks.

Just sent you a PM :slight_smile:

Buyer fell through…anyone else interested?

can you OM the list and prices please? thanks!