I was recently informed that I was fortunate enough to qualify to go to Ibiza for Long Course worlds in May. That’s the good news. The bad news is I have NO idea how much that whole “experience” is going to cost me (and just dropped big money on a new bike to boot). Can anyone give me a clue as to what I should expect to pay when all is said and done? Thanks in advance…
I will be in ibiza to but for the portuguese team, it will be nice to see you there!!!
As for your question…hmmmmm, i think that you should be considering spending about 1000 € or about $1000 . Thats just a value that i have in mind because i want to go to IMflorida this year, so it should be about the same.
It will be difficult to go to FLORIDA because here in portugal there is almost 0 sponsors and all the money is invested in football (soccer). This is a FUC!!!g country.
But keep $1000 in mind
Sérgio From portugal
Matt, Congrats, what a great way to test out the new ride. For the Austrai trip, Du Worlds, they were talking 14-1,500. The USAT site should be providing that info soon. How did you find out? I figured I was on the bubble but have not heard anything.
Thanks for the advice. I got an email yesterday from Tim Yount at USAT.
Dude, you have got to be kidding… Ibiza! Party girl capitol of the universe. Booty central. How on earth do I get into this race? Incredible!
I just spent > $3K in your store on a new Saber (some of which I still have to send)! Makes it tought to justify ANOTHER $1.5K to the wife, esp. to go to the “Party girl capitol of the universe!”
Hmmm, good point. I didn’t know that was you! You need a mechanic to come along! Ever seen the “Girls Gone Wild” videos? That Ibiza 24/7/365. Nirvana.
Yeah, a personal mechanic! Maybe you could offer your services to USAT for a “small fee.” I HAVE seen those videos, you’re making a pretty good sell now…you know, I could put a Bikesport logo on my Team uniform for a small “investment”.
sorry guys, but girls in ibiza just in the summer…
the race should be in august
when i see a blade in ibiza i will recognize you mattmiz
Sergio from portugal
Saber…didn’t you read Tom’s review? That Blade is no good!
See you there!
Do you have to be named Sergio to score? I once dressed as a matador for halloween, and then privately again for a girlfriend (that’s for another forum). do you think that would play in Ibiza? I have also been cultivating a “Greek Shipping Magnate” look where I get a super deep (fake) tan, lots of grey nose and ear hair, a huge pair of gold framed gradient sunglasses offset by lots of bling-bling gold jewelry, an oh-so-small white G-string bathing suit, a huge gut (fake, of course)and an 18 year old topless dancer on each arm combined with black shag carpeting glued to my back. That’s my uniform for Ibiza, think I will have any luck? I’m sorry, I an ugly American…
The Tim Yount name sounded vaguely familiar…went to me delete folder and there it was! It looked like spam. Don’t worry about the mechanic, my fit guy and mechanic has been the team mechanic for Team USA for a long time. He’s amazing and the stories he tell’s about the condition of some bikes as they arrive. He’ll be able to “score” Tom’s work for you :)!
$300 room, $100 uniform, $200 entry, flight, food etc… $1200-$1300 total? Man, this is going to be tough, got to decide soon.
oops sorry, saber it is…
you have to let me ride it for a few seconds
have never riden a titanium bike ;(
Sergio from portugal
They’re sweet - I’ve ridden a Litespeed MTBike for years now.
Actually - Tim told me to figure around $1800-$2000. Yikes!
But dude, you’ll remember it the rest of your life. and what about those Girls Gone Wild videos? 1 piece of a 2 piece. 'nuff said.
True enough. One piece of two - I like that math. Say, did you get my email earlier?