I’m doing really well!! Hope the cortizone shot works for you…they told me it would last 3 months and it felt great at first - no pain at all for a month but that was it.
I did wait quite a while for the surgery with Dr. Ayenni in Hamilton. In hindsight, it was worth the wait! I am now about 7 weeks post surgery and feel wonderful!!! I still get achy but the pain is nothing compared to the stabbing I used to feel beforehand. I have been in physiotherapy since the end of November and my therapist says I am doing very well…I now only use my walking stick outside (due to the snow), inside I don’t need it anymore.
You’re right about no running for a while but I do use a stationary bike every day (when I can). I have already been able to do somethings that I have not been able to do in years (since the pain began) like squat down and not need help getting up…a small thing but exciting to me!
I know how frustrating the wait is, but now, post-op, I can honestly say hang in there! it is worth the wait!!
The surgery itself was ok…painful right after but the recovery has been much quicker than I expected!! I was told initially that it could be up to 6 months before I go back to work (childcare), now they are thinking more like less than 3.
Hope this info helps…feel free to ask me anything else…