Any Canadians with/had a hip labral tear here?

just reviewed this forum again now that I am actually set to have the surgery.
I was diagnosed almost 3 years ago with a labral tear by my reuhmatologist but had to see 3 other doctors before a final yes that’s what it is and we’ll operate diagnosis.
Finally, I think I’m set for surgery in November with Dr. Ayeni in Hamilton. He came highly recommended to me so I hope the 1 1/2 year since consult will be worth it.
For the person who was asking about East Cost doctors who do this surgery…Dr. Wong moved from Hamilton to Halifax last summer and set up his practice (I think he works with Dalhousie University now). I saw him before going to see Dr. Ayeni.
I’m seeing lots of wonderful post-surgery stories on here which gives me great hope for a full recovery. I’m wondering what it’s like right after surgery though…ie weight bearing, pain level, mobility level. I am planning for quite an extended time off work (I do childcare). Just wondering what to expect in the first few days/weeks.
Any thoughts??
