Any Canadians with/had a hip labral tear here?

Tampa, FL come on down! The doc even let me get my MRI at an Open Tower MRI center which does cash price discounts…~$275 for the MRI and they did a ‘wet read’ that day and sent it to the ortho the next morning.

I’m not saying our health care system is perfect, but I’m not saying it’s horrible…for me at least. I love my health care and don’t want anything changed about it whatsoever. Never had a single complaint with my delivery system.

I feel for you and have a business acquaintance from Montreal who came to the states to have his knee done in Greenville, SC done about 2 years ago. He had been kicked around the Canadian system for a couple of years w/o having had any success in getting the knee done. Come to find out he had 2 bucket handle tears in his medial meniscus. He paid cash out of pocket and is as good as new.

By the way that is EPIC. 3 years for a consult and 7 months for a contrast MRI? That is the most EFFED up delivery system, hopefully I won’t ever have to endure it.