Any Canadians with/had a hip labral tear here?

Veterinary here so sideline story.
Took some time of work to train for triathlons and went along to specialist orthopeadic vet in my spare time to watch. Scrubbed in an assisted him with a hip labral tear surgery and will never forget. He just diagnosed it by x-ray and when he showed me the x-ray I could barely see it.

Holding all the instruments for him to access it through all the muscles I saw the little flap which he removed(then he did some other work on the area affected).
Since I was training for tri’s it really made me think; to me it looked like it would be sore most of the time and it would only get worse if not treated.

So I feel for you if you have a labral tear of the hip. Apparently it is also what has put a halt to Emma Snowsill’s season.

Am guessing it is harder for human doctors to diagnose as there is even more soft tissue for a basic x-ray to go through making it hard to see…tricky to diagnose.

all the best.
