Another Menopause Thread (Things to Ask the OB)

I’m actually trying a new OBGYN and have a few weeks to start my list…it’s more like I’m interviewing her type situation so good thread.

In re the sleep issue. Seems so simple I guess, but not until you read it, but I read melatonin is the one hormone that depletes as both men and women age and it recommended .05 mgs 1/2 hr to 1 hr before bedtime. It also recommended that the bottles that have uber doses, you know 5, 10 mgs weren’t to be gone near. I couldn’t find anything lower than 1 mg. I have to say since taking 1 mg. I have been sleeping much better (still indulging in my dinner cocktail :wink: I still will wake up to pee or will wake up occasionally but will fall back asleep easily. It’s SO MUCH better than that crazy OTC sleep stuff that was really benadryl in disguise and wouldn’t kick in till I had only 4 hours left till waking for work and would be a zombie most of the day.

I cannot believe how much sleep makes a difference in one’s outlook, how much more optimistic I am about having energy again. It’s only been about 10 days but egads, a week of a good night’s sleep and here I am signing up for a marathon, LOL.

I just never knew, or grossly underestimated how seriously detrimental lack of sleep is to one’s mental well-being.