And if they don't find SH?

There is no doubt that SH is a BAD GUY… He’s even worse for his people…
From my point of view all the lives that are being exterminated from both sides could be avoided if they simply used Intelligence efforts ( CIA ) to arrested or kill SH in silent…
But now with all the new resistence that IRAQ is presenting… I think that is gonna be really hard to find him…
What is going to happen if they don’t find him ??? Remenber that they couldn’t find Bin Landen up to now…

Finding him is secondary to compromising his operational effectiveness which is erroding with every meter of ground we take closer to Baghdad and every precision munition that finds its mark. Our President is conducting normal operations from the Oval Office in the White House. Saddam Hussein is hiding, presumably in an undergound bunker much of the time and Sheik Usama Bin Laden is presumably living a rugged existence running from hide site to hide site. The operational capabilites of both of these parties has been significantly reduced since the initiation of operations to disrupt their regimes, and those operations are ongoing.

There are two scenarios that give the the willies. One is relevant to this conflict:

There is a netwrok of underground railway tunnels in Baghdad that could be used as a (very effective) hiding place in the event that Baghdad is invaded (going to happen soon). What I worry about is that SH and his close elite will seal themselves in this network, then release some biologic (or possibly nuke, though I don’t believe he has them) on both the population AND the invading coalition forces (sacrificing his people to get at the forces).

The other scenario is relvant to N. Korea.