Has anyone, who bought a year subscription to this mag, been receiving it? I have to date only gotten 3 of them. Whats up wit dat?
Got the latest one, gear guide Friday 5/2. Kinda infrequent, I was surprised to find one in the mail box.
I was under the impression that it is a quarterly not monthly magazine. I think we’ve only seen three issues in our store since we’ve started carrying it. But the quality is great, guess you can get it pretty much near perfect in three months:)
I’ve got one. You are right when you say they have been a little less than prompt. LIke someone else said, in this last issue the guy has pledged to get all of the mags mailed on time. If they get the timing issue down though, I’m convinced they have the best tri-writing on the planet. Veyr good mag, I highly recomend it.
The gopher- "I Dig Reading"