I am a marathoner who has recently made the switch to multisport racing. Recently I have had some pain in my left achilles tendon after riding and was wondering if my fit could be related to my ankle hurting on rides. I am pretty sure that it is bike related as I never had problems with it while running. I received a thorough fitting at Gateway Bike here in Portland but was wondering if possible moving my cleat forward or backward on my shoe might help alleviate the pain. I have also been doing some spinning (shock!) classes as well and maybe that is what is causing it. Any thoughts would be appreciated…
It sounds like you could be “ankling” which is riding with your toes pointed down because your seat might be too high.
As a starting point stand in your sock feet up against a wall with your bicycle shorts on. Stick a book up against your crotch and have an assistant measure in cm’s from the ground to he top of the book. Now multiply this by .883 to give you an approximate seat height measurement to adjust your seat to. Measure from the center f the BB to the top of the seat. Use this as a starting point and ajust the seat up/down from there slightly if needed.
Mike generally does a great job of fitting. However, I’ve noticed that he has a tendency to shoot for the “perfect” position right out of the chute. As such, he tends to have the saddle height pretty high.
I’d recommend lowering your saddle between 5mm and 1cm and see if that helps.
In PDX (I live here too), it’s easy to drop your heel alot when riding due to the large number of hills.
Here’s what I’d prescribe:
Lower the saddle slightly.
Ride easy for a few weeks. No spinning classes…Stick to easy/lower power workouts.
Don’t do a lot of running…Consider joining me for a pool run as it will keep both of us more sane (I’ve got 100 minutes of pool running scheduled for tomorrow at lunch:-(
Consider this an opportunity to improve your swimming. An achilles can be a real bear if you don’t deal with it properly.
Thank you both for the replies… I will look at adjusting the seat this weekend to see if that helps with the pain. Luckily it is not too bad but I wanted to take care of it before it got worse.
Puskas: Where do you do pool runs for that length of time? Never actually tried one but have read some good things about them… Next step is to look into getting a coach to help with my training. All the books and websites are helpful, just not quite a substitue for someone actually watching you…