A2 Aero Data for Corsa Speed, Conti Supersonic and TT on HED JET+ Black

Ok, I sent Dan a massage on Friday but I never heard back so I didn’t want to violate his new rule regarding publishing data on here, thus I have posted the first bit of data from the Wind Tunnel Test here. Hopefully that is ok otherwise feel free to pull this thread Dan.

Please note this is just start. I will go back and update, add more data, links, raw data etc but give me some time. This is just being released right now because a bunch of people have asked what tire they should run and I want to nip the inquiries in the bud.

Given the lack of OLD 23 SS availability it seems like the Corsa Speed is probably a pretty good choice of tire.

Daaaayuum old ss you so fine. Thanks for sharing

Old SS FTW! I have two SS 23s tires left and they’re going to pry them from my cold dead hands. Last month when I got home from a race I realized I forgot my front wheel in the parking garage. I drove 30mi back to get it and all I could think about was how I was going to replace that Conti SS tire :slight_smile: Screw the $500 FLO CC wheel… I want my SS back!

Ok, I sent Dan a massage on Friday but I never heard back so I didn’t want to violate his new rule regarding publishing data on here, thus I have posted the first bit of data from the Wind Tunnel Test here. Hopefully that is ok otherwise feel free to pull this thread Dan.

Please not this is just start. I will go back and update, add more data, links, raw data etc but give me some time. This is just being released right now because a bunch of people have asked what tire they should run and I want to nip the inquiries in the bud.

Given the lack of OLD 23 SS availability it seems like the Corsa Speed is probably a pretty good choice of tire.

Cool. Can we get the y-axis in terms of CdA? Or else indicate air speed and density that the power values represent?

If you’d like, I could create a combined aero+Crr estimate for the Corsa Speed and the old SS23 (since I have Crr values for them).

Old SS FTW! I have two SS 23s tires left and they’re going to pry them from my cold dead hands. Last month when I got home from a race I realized I forgot my front wheel in the parking garage. I drove 30mi back to get it and all I could think about was how I was going to replace that Conti SS tire :slight_smile: Screw the $500 FLO CC wheel… I want my SS back!

Just remember that once you take into account Crr, the CS most likely “wins” over the old SS23 out to at least 5d of yaw angle (if not higher)…

Also…is this with fixture tare removed or included?

I find it interesting that the drag of the CS on that wheel goes up between 5 and 10d of yaw angle. In my Win Tunnel test with the 24C Turbo Cotton, the values continued to decline out to 10d.

Did you happen to measure the widths of tires when inflated? Wondering how much is due to shape/construction and how much is just that narrower tires are more aero.

I would love to see the results combined with Tom A’s Crr data. Seems like that Vittoria tire has everything going for it other than being easy to mount with a tube. Maybe that is going to be what finally makes this tubeless for the road thing get some traction.

Did you happen to measure the widths of tires when inflated? Wondering how much is due to shape/construction and how much is just that narrower tires are more aero.

I would love to see the results combined with Tom A’s Crr data. Seems like that Vittoria tire has everything going for it other than being easy to mount with a tube. Maybe that is going to be what finally makes this tubeless for the road thing get some traction.

Yup…that’s what I’ve been thinking. Someone finally figured out how to make a tubeless tire with a decent casing…

My eyeball combination with Crr indicates this as a clear win for the CS.

The power of the CRR compels you!!! :slight_smile:

Thanks for the data. Too bad I’m in New Zealand already. ;-(

Actually, I don’t think it would have changed my choice at all. What is clear from both Tom’s test and yours, is that the Jet+ wheels are very sensitive to width around the 26C range for a mounted tired. Below that, and you’re good. Above that, and your drag heads south. That’s why a slightly narrower Supersonic outperforms a wider one and the 25C TT is a piece of crap (aerodynamically). in short, none of the best rolling tires are aerodynamically optimal with this wheel.

Hence my choice of the old 808 with 20C Crono tubular. Still the best combination of aerodynamics and Crr around.

It’s a shame you didn’t test some narrower tires. I think there might be hope for the new 20C SS.


Hed deep
808 (pre dimple)
Campy shamal
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Hed deep
808 (pre dimple)
Campy shamal
Velocity deep v
Ultimate narrow rim showdown 2017?

My 808s are actually Z8s, which are a couple of generations post-dimple. I do think there is still promise in the older Hed wheels however, the H3 in particular. This whole business of rotating drag intrigues me.

Would you expect a 23 mm GP TT to be comparable aerodynamically to the new 23 mm SS?

Hence my choice of the old 808 with 20C Crono tubular. Still the best combination of aerodynamics and Crr around.

Maybe if you’re confident you’ll never see high yaw. And you don’t mind the harsher ride.

My A-race TT last year had me over 10 deg yaw (as estimated by BestBikeSplit) for 47 out of 48 minutes. The old 808 wouldn’t have been a good choice out there. While a wider wheel, say the 808FC, gives up very little at low yaw (I’m not totally convinced your combo would win at zero yaw), but can win big at higher yaw.

…and I was averaging 29MPH in that TT, so it’s not about me going that slow. 29MPH is decently fast.

No because it is wider.

I thought the new SS is the GP TT without the Vectran belt.

My eyeball combination with Crr indicates this as a clear win for the CS.

If you could only get it on and off the rim, they would be the obvious choice at this point.

My eyeball combination with Crr indicates this as a clear win for the CS.

If you could only get it on and off the rim, they would be the obvious choice at this point.

Well how about they just make it a goddamn clincher instead of tubeless and we call it the best tire ever?

They have one, I guess it’s just slow?