A lawyer named Mohammed

The world is definitely upside down. How can it be that I have now converted into an advocate of women in all areas of combat, and that a lawyer named Mohammed is my hero?

Next thing you know, I will break 13 hours at Lake Placid. Nah, at least I know that will never happen.

Confused in Florida,

I bet those fedayeen never imagined that a) a 19 year old woman would be so hard to capture, and b) she would have 100 of the baddest big brothers on the planet to come get her.

That story about the Iraqi lawyer made my day. I hope he gets to reap the benefits of such a selfless act.

Rich (mostly a lurker, but I had to agree)

What did I miss? What is the story of the Iraq’y lawyer.

32 year old lawyer goes to visit his wife who is a nurse in the hospital. On the trip there he sees a brave Iraqi goon beating bed ridden PFC Jessica Lynch. He has to do something, so he walks six miles to a Marine outpost and tells them about the POW. They tell him to go back to the hospital and gather intelligence including the exact floor and room, the number of guards, and the availability of a helicopter landing location.

He walks back six miles to the hospital and gathers the appropriate intelligence. He walks back to the Marine outpost and gives them the information. Special ops rescues PFC Lynch that night.

I was very comfortable with my prejudices. Why did it have to be a lawyer that was a hero?

God Bless America,