8 weeks to swim 2 miles (SOS)

Based on the swim poll and subsequent thread I take solace in the fact that I’m not as much of an outlier as I thought. I’ve got 8 weeks to SOS and I haven’t swam since the last SOS (last Sept). I’m not proud.

I just got access to a 25 yard pool which I’ll hit twice a week and I’ll swim long off my boat once on weekends. That should suffice. Gonna have to.

As I start back in the pool I’ll regain my form using a drill that has worked well for me in the past. The Scooter Drill, compliments of the late Doug Stern http://forum.slowtwitch.com/gforum.cgi?post=681536

Now, where are my goggles???

SOS. Awesome. Wish there were more point-to-point races like that. Good luck!

How much swimming is there in SOS anyway?

2.1 miles - done as 1.1, .5,.5

Never did find my goggles. Bought a new pair and by god I swear I’m going to use them tomorrow!

Goggles schmoggles, you’re gonna need to practice the swim with your running shoes on

nah, had success tucking them into my shorts last year.

As I was warned though, it’s getting them back on (and avoiding the cramps) that’s the tricky part.

Have you tried swimming with them on your feet? I’ve done so in the river and was surprised at how little they dragged. 'Spose it has to do with the shoe and the material. I imagine running in squishy wet shoes might be irritating though. These guys decided to keep them on for this race. They also ran with their wetsuits on :-p


Post a race report, let’s hear all about it.

I will be racing SOS too. Going to experiment with these setups before the race to figure out what is fastest:

  1. Swim with shoes on. Use light shoes with a flexible heel and non-absorbing material (bought a pair of Nike Mayfly’s to try)
  2. Bring a fuel belt and strap them to my lumbar using the fuel belt when swimming
  3. Finagle a sort of pull buoy that keeps the shoes dry and adds some lift to my legs. Might be too much trouble, might be tough to run with, and may not be allowed.
  4. I will be racing in a speedsuit (liftfoil) and may be able to jam them into the suit and zip it up, but this may damage/stretch the suit, so I am leaning away from it

Any other ideas for me to try out?

Already getting excited for this race.

I have, in training and didn’t care for it. Compounded by the fact that at SOS the first (and longest) swim is after a 30 mile bike and 4.5 mile run. Legs are already feeling it, no extra drag needed. seems like Vibram 5 fingers were pretty popular. Unfortunately, I’ve never run in them.

Zoot Ultras. Tuck’em in or wear’em they are going to be just as wet. Slathered’em in vasoline last year and didn’t have any issues.

I’ve seen the pull buoy used. I dunno, seems like a hassle and as I noted above I didn’t have any issues w/ wet sneakers.

Yup, last year in training I ripped my one piece suit tucking the sneakers in. Switched to a 2 piece and didn’t have any problems.

In 09, Jonas Colting crushed the course using a fanny pack for his shoes. Thought that might become popular but I didn’t see anyone else use one last year. Not sure where you would get one that size. Then again, what works for pros doesn’t always work for us mortals :wink:

It appears that that the tuck in method is still the most popular. As usual, there isn’t one answer. It’s whaterever works for you in training.

Simply an amazing event. Good luck. You’ll love it.

I think one of these is my my ticket. I like how wide they are, so they will hold the shoes to my back without risk of losing them.

Yeah, those might work. Also give you a place to store your goggles and cap (and some nutrition) while running. I carried mine.

I will be racing SOS too. Going to experiment with these setups before the race to figure out what is fastest:

  1. Swim with shoes on. Use light shoes with a flexible heel and non-absorbing material (bought a pair of Nike Mayfly’s to try)
  2. Bring a fuel belt and strap them to my lumbar using the fuel belt when swimming
  3. Finagle a sort of pull buoy that keeps the shoes dry and adds some lift to my legs. Might be too much trouble, might be tough to run with, and may not be allowed.
  4. I will be racing in a speedsuit (liftfoil) and may be able to jam them into the suit and zip it up, but this may damage/stretch the suit, so I am leaning away from it

Any other ideas for me to try out?

Already getting excited for this race.

Stuff 'em. Seriously. Either 2 in front, or 1 front, 1 back. PS - Nike Free are very good for this.
I’ve seen folks use a 1-piece trisuit and stuff the shoes in the top - but for me, the 1front /1 back worked the best.
Swimming w/ shoes on SUCKS. I tried that for the last swim, and it was BRUTAL. Very Bad Idea.

One guy I saw w/ a drysack/pullbuoy thing, he’d pass me in the swim (no huge surprise), and I’d pass him as he was dicking around getting his shoes back out of the bag, onto his feet, etc.
I beat him - so let’s just say that probably wasn’t the best method.

Do not even bother trying to keep anything dry. Waste of time and effort, for no material gain.
In fact, the cool kid trick is, put your shoes on IN THE WATER, so you don’t get all the shale bits stuck to your feet.

Mark D - you still have time to give Finding Freestyle a go. I’m a huge fan. Best swim training $ I ever spent.
You obviously can’t do all 12 weeks, but you can get a good start.
I knocked :09/100m off my 300m TT the first 6 weeks, and another :05/100m off the second 6 weeks.

Thanks Mike I’ll look into it. I’ve got it in me (swam a 1:05 in a standalone 2.4 OWS in another lifetime). I’ve just developed an aversion to the water. Would make sense to make the most of my precious few weeks.

Lookinfg forward to seeing you crush dreams in LP. Starting in the water :wink: Good luck!

I did Battle of Waterloo last year which is very similar to SOS.

Stuffing the shoes down the back of my shorts far enough so I could pull the drawstring tight worked the best for me. I may try the one in front and one in back method.


The key to SOS is not to piss off the draft marshal. Buying him good beer is a good way to avoid stand downs.

2 miles in 8 weeks? That sounds like my swim training program so far this summer…

Similar to the Vibrams are the Merril barefoot shoes… I would love to race this type of thing, longer swims would suit me better though…

The key to SOS is not to piss off the draft marshal. Buying him good beer is a good way to avoid stand downs.

It’s been the summer of Harpoon IPA since I did their ride in June. I’ll point my sherpa out to you and he’ll have them on ready for you!

Wait, you took last year off. Aren’t you supposed to be racing this year?

I guess I should be racing, but I just can’t seem to get it together this year.
I’ve been racing pretty hard since 1998 - this year is shaping up to be a year off.
I’m happy to volunteer, though - SOS is the best race on the planet.

I guess I should be racing, but I just can’t seem to get it together this year.
I’ve been racing pretty hard since 1998 - this year is shaping up to be a year off.

I hear ya. About 15 years myself. Leaning towards “retiring” from tri’s after SOS (actually my only one of the year)

SOS is the best race on the planet.

Agreed and figure it’s a great way to go out.