$69 for a sprint duathlon?

Spring Sprint duathlon, San Diego, on May 4th, $60 for entry after Apr 1 + $9 for 1-day USAT license = $69 for a 1/9/3 mile duathlon … is it just me or are these race prices related in any way to the $2.12 I’m paying at the pump right now?

Saddam is now affecting my race entry fees … damn conspiracy if you ask me. I’ll pay $12 for the 12k TT at the same location on May 5th.

I was looking at the Fort Collins marathon here in CO and it was if I recall 70-80+ bucks…Chicago is less and I know where I’d rather run…

Plus the lifetime fitness tri is exhorbitant…they need 5000 people at 100 bucks a pop min to cover the prize money…some one has to be losing their ass on that one.

It’s the same way in Michigan, 65-70 for a sprint plus a t-shirt and some crappy food(pizza or something) In fact, in Sept. Of last year it was 85 degrees out and they had fruit and a steamy, hot bowl of chili!!

I hate to say it, because I may end up going to law school (prosecutor at least), but its the damn lawyers. If they didn’t sue for everything maybe they would be $30 instead. Has anybody seen the ad for “athletes hurt in a race call this number.” The RDs have to protect themsevles, although there has to be something to lower the cost. I just wish the races were rated as to quality of race and stiffness of competition so you know if you are going to pay $70 for a race, at least it will be first class.

Gary there is a duathlon in Yuma AZ march 22 for $30 I think. 10k/22 or 24 mile.

The prices will keep going up until we stop paying those prices.

We all complain but we never do anything about.

My favorite local duathlon is now $52. Last year it was $35. It was fun at $35. It loses some charm at $52. I won’t be racing it this year.

Maybe I’ll be the only who doesn’t race because of price. But the way things are going someone will fill my spot and I won’t be missed.