2017 Slowtwitch Kona Gathering in the books, see you next year! (we hope)

**A great time was had by all. Hope everyone had as much fun as we did. **
**Please let our party partners know you appreciated their efforts, and don’t forget to include the companies who so generously gave us the great raffle prizes. **
**As soon as the dust settles, we’ll start making plans for 2018. **

Today’s the day!! Looking forward to seeing you all. We’ve had a couple of cancellations, so thre’s room for all.
General Info:
Party is outside, there is come covered space, and rain isn’t in the forecast, but bring a jacket or umbrella just in case.There’s food, beer, softer bevs, Mar GU Ritas, and POG (passion/orange/guava) an island specialty, water, etc. Bring your water bottle to reduce waste, if possible. We’re excited to bring the party back…Closest cross street to Alii is Lunapule.
Don’t forget to be courteous and cautious in your driving, parking, walking, and biking.

RSVP’s are pouring in for the Gathering this year; it’ll be great to meet new party guests and greet our old friends. Prizes also being added, so stay tuned. Aero testing w ERO sports just added!

The Underpants run is on; we’re not sure who’s brewing at the Coffee boat, but the highlight of Kona week is BACK! The generous and enthusiastic GU** Energy crew will be hosting the 2017 Slowtwitch Kona Gathering at their GU HQ on Alii Drive Wednesday October 11 at 3:30 PM**. Also stepping up to support are **Vision, Blue Seventy, DeSoto Sport, Diamondback, Rapid Reboot, ** and Profile Design, with a growing list of prize donations coming from our industry friends.

Meet fellow Slowtwitchers , enjoy a relaxing afternoon with food, GU-Inspired Cocktails and softer drinks, and wrapping up with the famous Slowtwitch Kona Gathering Raffle*.

** #GUFORIT!**

**Address: **
75-5930 Alii Drive . About 2.3 miles from the pier.

Please car pool, ride or walk to the location, and be courteous where you park if you drive. Please consider the neighbors and locals. Mahalo.

Raffle Prize List: will be updated daily!
1 x Diamondback Overdrive Carbon Comp 29 MTB
1 x Vision Metron 81 Wheelset
1 x Blueseventy 2018 Helix (sneak peak at Gathering!)
1 x Rapid Reboot Standard Boot System
1 x Footbeat Shoe and Insole Kit
2x Oakley Eyewear Jawbone
3 x DeSotoSport Transition Pack
1 x Blueseventy Transition Bag
1 x Kiwami Tri Top Aero
1 x Kiwami Spider Tri Shorts
2 x Roka Gift Packs
1x Roka Phantom Sunglasses
1 x Castelli Cycling Kit
1 x Castelli Travel Bag
1 x Diamondback/Castelli Cycling Kit
6 x AquaSphere Polarized Kayenne Goggles
3 x MP XCEED Titanium Goggles
3 x MP Training Suit (Winner’s choice)
1 x Suunto Spartan Watch
2 x 361 running shoes, winner’s choice
1 x Aero Testing w ERO Sports Velo Sports Center, Los Angeles CA
1 x Polar V800 GPS Watch
1 x Topical Edge Prize Pack w 3 Month supply
1 X HOTSHOT prize pack
2 x Orca Transition Backpack w KILLA 180 Goggles
2 x 2018 Barrelman Triathlon Individual Entries (Niagara Falls, Canada) 1
1 x Xterra Backpack Drybag
2 x Xterra wetsuit changing mats
1 x Trainerroad 12 month subscription Gift Pack
1 x 2018 Life Time Tri Series Entry. http://www.lifetimetri.com
2x Compex units

**RSVP HERE: ** As in the past, there are no special invites for this gathering, it’s first come and serve, but eventually we will reach capacity. For those planning to attend, please register early by posting in this thread. Basically if it is you and your spouse it is (+1) and if you come with 2 friends it is +2. We will count you automatically. So please do not say +2 if it is just you and a friend.

It’s a very popular (and fun) gathering, and unfortunately each year people who register don’t show up because of prior commitments. When that happens, people who really want to come cannot get in. So PLEASE, only RSVP w your group if you are relatively certain you’ll be attending. Thanks in advance for your consideration.

*There will be some limitations as to who can win which prizes. Typically Pros should not win (unless it is a non-industry item) and competitors of brands can’t win those items. But we will ask the crowd to assist us with the call when we are in doubt - or want to have fun. The raffle is typically around 6pm and you have to be present to win. Plus coming in just 10 minutes prior to 6pm won’t help as by then the registration will be closed.

Anyone interested in contributing to the raffle prizes, please PM me (don’t post, please) Thanks!

Looking forward to seeing you all on the Big Island.

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Great news. Count me in +1.

Excellent- Ms. Sciguy will be there.



Count me in, along with my spouse.

Looking forward to another great event!

Mike G


Thanks for bringing it back!!


I’ll be there with one guest.

In +3.

Thanks for bringing it back!

The GU Crew is excited to host this year! RSVPing 5 of us :slight_smile:


Awesomeness! Count me in +2





The GU Crew are great people!

Yay! See you there. +1

+2… can’t wait!!

+3 assuming kids are welcome

Thanks for getting this going again!

yippee----- +3

Great news!

Paolina and I are in!

. . . but I think you knew that. :slight_smile:

We will be there, me +1 with my wife!

Looking forward to it!

In +2